123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623 |
- --[[----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PSPhotoStationAPI.lua
- This file is part of Photo StatLr - Lightroom plugin.
- Copyright(c) 2017, Martin Messmer
- Photo Station Upload primitives:
- - initialize
- - login
- - logout
- - listAlbum
- - movePic
- - deletePic
- - sortPics
- - addPhotoComments
- - getPhotoComments
- - getPhotoExifs
- - getTags
- - getPhotoTags
- - editPhoto
- - createSharedAlbum
- - editSharedAlbum
- - listSharedAlbum
- - addPhotosToSharedAlbum
- - removePhotosFromSharedAlbum
- Photo StatLr is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- Photo StatLr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Photo StatLr. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- ]]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Lightroom API
- local LrFileUtils = import 'LrFileUtils'
- local LrPathUtils = import 'LrPathUtils'
- local LrHttp = import 'LrHttp'
- local LrDate = import 'LrDate'
- require "PSUtilities"
- --====== local functions =====================================================--
- --[[
- callSynoAPI (h, synoAPI, formData)
- calls the named synoAPI with the respective parameters in formData
- returns nil, on http error
- returns the decoded JSON response as table on success
- ]]
- local function callSynoAPI (h, synoAPI, formData)
- local postHeaders = {
- { field = 'Content-Type', value = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' },
- }
- local postBody = 'api=' .. synoAPI .. '&' .. formData
- if synoAPI == 'SYNO.PhotoStation.Auth' then
- writeLogfile(4, "callSynoAPI: LrHttp.post(" .. h.serverUrl .. h.psWebAPI .. h.apiInfo[synoAPI].path .. ",...)\n")
- else
- writeLogfile(4, string.format("callSynoAPI: LrHttp.post(%s%s%s, api=%s&%s\n", h.serverUrl, h.psWebAPI, h.apiInfo[synoAPI].path, synoAPI, formData))
- end
- local respBody, respHeaders = LrHttp.post(h.serverUrl .. h.psWebAPI .. h.apiInfo[synoAPI].path, postBody, postHeaders, 'POST', h.serverTimeout, string.len(postBody))
- if not respBody then
- writeTableLogfile(3, 'respHeaders', respHeaders)
- if respHeaders then
- writeLogfile(3, string.format("Error %s on http request: %s\n",
- ifnil(respHeaders["error"].errorCode, 'Unknown'),
- trim(ifnil(respHeaders["error"].name, 'Unknown error description'))))
- local errorCode = tonumber(ifnil(respHeaders["error"].nativeCode, '1002'))
- return nil, errorCode
- else
- return nil, 1001
- end
- end
- writeLogfile(4, "Got Body:\n" .. respBody .. "\n")
- local respArray = JSON:decode(respBody)
- if not respArray then return nil, 1003 end
- if respArray.error then
- local errorCode = tonumber(respArray.error.code)
- writeLogfile(3, string.format('PSPhotoStationAPI.callSynoAPI: %s returns error %d\n', synoAPI, errorCode))
- return nil, errorCode
- end
- return respArray
- end
- --====== global functions ====================================================--
- PSPhotoStationAPI = {}
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- initialize: set serverUrl, loginPath and uploadPath
- function PSPhotoStationAPI.initialize(serverUrl, psPath, serverTimeout)
- local h = {} -- the handle
- local apiInfo = {}
- writeLogfile(4, "PSPhotoStationAPI.initialize(PhotoStationUrl=" .. serverUrl .. psPath .. ", Timeout=" .. serverTimeout .. ")\n")
- h.serverUrl = serverUrl
- h.serverTimeout = serverTimeout
- h.psAlbumRoot = psPath .. '#!Albums'
- h.psWebAPI = psPath .. 'webapi/'
- h.uploadPath = psPath .. 'include/asst_file_upload.php'
- -- bootstrap the apiInfo table
- apiInfo['SYNO.API.Info'] = {
- path = "query.php",
- minVersion = 1,
- maxVersion = 1,
- }
- h.apiInfo = apiInfo
- -- get all API paths via 'SYNO.API.Info'
- local formData =
- 'query=all&' ..
- 'method=query&' ..
- 'version=1&' ..
- 'ps_username='
- local respArray, errorCode = callSynoAPI (h, 'SYNO.API.Info', formData)
- if not respArray then return nil, errorCode end
- -- rewrite the apiInfo table with API infos retrieved via SYNO.API.Info
- h.apiInfo = respArray.data
- -- writeTableLogfile(4, 'apiInfo', h.apiInfo)
- return h
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- login(h, username, passowrd)
- -- does, what it says
- function PSPhotoStationAPI.login(h, username, password)
- local formData = 'method=login&' ..
- 'version=1&' ..
- 'username=' .. urlencode(username) .. '&' ..
- 'password=' .. urlencode(password)
- local respArray, errorCode = callSynoAPI (h, 'SYNO.PhotoStation.Auth', formData)
- if not respArray then return false, errorCode end
- return respArray.success
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- logout(h)
- -- nothing to do here, invalidating the cookie would be perfect here
- function PSPhotoStationAPI.logout (h)
- return true
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- listAlbum: returns all photos/videos and optionally albums in a given album
- -- returns
- -- albumItems: table of photo infos, if success, otherwise nil
- -- errorcode: errorcode, if not success
- function PSPhotoStationAPI.listAlbum(h, dstDir, listItems)
- -- recursive doesn't seem to work
- local formData = 'method=list&' ..
- 'version=1&' ..
- 'id=' .. PSPhotoStationUtils.getAlbumId(dstDir) .. '&' ..
- 'type=' .. listItems .. '&' ..
- 'offset=0&' ..
- 'limit=-1&' ..
- 'recursive=false&'..
- 'additional=album_permission,photo_exif'
- -- 'additional=album_permission,photo_exif,video_codec,video_quality,thumb_size,file_location'
- local respArray, errorCode = callSynoAPI (h, 'SYNO.PhotoStation.Album', formData)
- if not respArray then return nil, errorCode end
- writeTableLogfile(4, 'listAlbum(' .. dstDir .. ')', respArray.data.items)
- return respArray.data.items
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- deletePic (h, dstFilename, isVideo)
- function PSPhotoStationAPI.deletePic (h, dstFilename, isVideo)
- local formData = 'method=delete&' ..
- 'version=1&' ..
- 'id=' .. PSPhotoStationUtils.getPhotoId(dstFilename, isVideo) .. '&'
- local respArray, errorCode = callSynoAPI (h, 'SYNO.PhotoStation.Photo', formData)
- if not respArray and errorCode ~= 101 then return false, errorCode end
- writeLogfile(3, string.format('deletePic(%s) returns OK (errorCode was %d)\n', dstFilename, ifnil(errorCode, 0)))
- return respArray.success
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- movePic (h, srcFilename, dstAlbum, isVideo)
- function PSPhotoStationAPI.movePic(h, srcFilename, dstAlbum, isVideo)
- local formData = 'method=copy&' ..
- 'version=1&' ..
- 'mode=move&' ..
- 'duplicate=ignore&' ..
- 'id=' .. PSPhotoStationUtils.getPhotoId(srcFilename, isVideo) .. '&' ..
- 'sharepath=' .. PSPhotoStationUtils.getAlbumId(dstAlbum)
- local respArray, errorCode = callSynoAPI (h, 'SYNO.PhotoStation.Photo', formData)
- if not respArray then return false, errorCode end
- writeLogfile(3, string.format('movePic(%s, %s) returns OK\n', srcFilename, dstAlbum))
- return respArray.success
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- deleteAlbum(h, albumPath)
- function PSPhotoStationAPI.deleteAlbum (h, albumPath)
- local formData = 'method=delete&' ..
- 'version=1&' ..
- 'id=' .. PSPhotoStationUtils.getAlbumId(albumPath) .. '&'
- local respArray, errorCode = callSynoAPI (h, 'SYNO.PhotoStation.Album', formData)
- if not respArray then return false, errorCode end
- writeLogfile(3, string.format('deleteAlbum(%s) returns OK\n', albumPath))
- return respArray.success
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- sortPics (h, albumPath, sortedPhotos)
- function PSPhotoStationAPI.sortPics (h, albumPath, sortedPhotos)
- local formData = 'method=arrangeitem&' ..
- 'version=1&' ..
- 'offset=0&' ..
- 'limit='.. #sortedPhotos .. '&' ..
- 'id=' .. PSPhotoStationUtils.getAlbumId(albumPath) .. '&'
- local i, photoPath, item_ids = {}
- for i, photoPath in ipairs(sortedPhotos) do
- if i == 1 then
- item_ids = PSPhotoStationUtils.getPhotoId(sortedPhotos[i])
- else
- item_ids = item_ids .. ',' .. PSPhotoStationUtils.getPhotoId(sortedPhotos[i])
- end
- end
- formData = formData .. 'item_id=' .. item_ids
- local respArray, errorCode = callSynoAPI (h, 'SYNO.PhotoStation.Album', formData)
- if not respArray then return false, errorCode end
- writeLogfile(3, string.format('sortPics(%s) returns OK.\n', albumPath))
- return respArray.success
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- addPhotoComment (h, dstFilename, isVideo, comment, username)
- function PSPhotoStationAPI.addPhotoComment (h, dstFilename, isVideo, comment, username)
- local formData = 'method=create&' ..
- 'version=1&' ..
- 'id=' .. PSPhotoStationUtils.getPhotoId(dstFilename, isVideo) .. '&' ..
- 'name=' .. username .. '&' ..
- 'comment='.. urlencode(comment)
- local respArray, errorCode = callSynoAPI (h, 'SYNO.PhotoStation.Comment', formData)
- if not respArray then return false, errorCode end
- writeLogfile(3, string.format('addPhotoComment(%s, %s, %s) returns OK.\n', dstFilename, comment, username))
- return respArray.success
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- getPhotoComments (h, dstFilename, isVideo)
- function PSPhotoStationAPI.getPhotoComments (h, dstFilename, isVideo)
- local formData = 'method=list&' ..
- 'version=1&' ..
- 'id=' .. PSPhotoStationUtils.getPhotoId(dstFilename, isVideo)
- local respArray, errorCode = callSynoAPI (h, 'SYNO.PhotoStation.Comment', formData)
- if not respArray then return false, errorCode end
- writeLogfile(3, string.format('getPhotoComments(%s) returns OK.\n', dstFilename))
- return respArray.data.comments
- end
- --[[ currently not needed
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- addSharedPhotoComment (h, dstFilename, isVideo, comment, username, sharedAlbumName)
- function PSPhotoStationAPI.addSharedPhotoComment (h, dstFilename, isVideo, comment, username, sharedAlbumName)
- local formData = 'method=add_comment&' ..
- 'version=1&' ..
- 'item_id=' .. PSPhotoStationUtils.getPhotoId(dstFilename, isVideo) .. '&' ..
- 'name=' .. username .. '&' ..
- 'comment='.. urlencode(comment) ..'&' ..
- 'public_share_id=' .. PSPhotoStationUtils.getSharedAlbumShareId(h, sharedAlbumName)
- local respArray, errorCode = callSynoAPI (h, 'SYNO.PhotoStation.AdvancedShare', formData)
- if not respArray then return false, errorCode end
- writeLogfile(3, string.format('addSharedPhotoComment(%s, %s, %s, %s) returns OK.\n', dstFilename, sharedAlbumName, comment, username))
- return respArray.success
- end
- ]]
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- getSharedPhotoComments (h, sharedAlbumName, dstFilename, isVideo)
- function PSPhotoStationAPI.getSharedPhotoComments (h, sharedAlbumName, dstFilename, isVideo)
- local formData = 'method=list_comment&' ..
- 'version=1&' ..
- 'offset=0&' ..
- 'limit=-1&' ..
- 'item_id=' .. PSPhotoStationUtils.getPhotoId(dstFilename, isVideo) .. '&' ..
- 'public_share_id=' .. PSPhotoStationUtils.getSharedAlbumShareId(h, sharedAlbumName)
- local respArray, errorCode = callSynoAPI (h, 'SYNO.PhotoStation.AdvancedShare', formData)
- if not respArray then return false, errorCode end
- if respArray.data then
- writeLogfile(3, string.format('getSharedPhotoComments(%s, %s) returns %d comments.\n', dstFilename, sharedAlbumName, #respArray.data))
- else
- writeLogfile(3, string.format('getSharedPhotoComments(%s, %s) returns no comments.\n', dstFilename, sharedAlbumName))
- end
- return respArray.data
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- getSharedAlbumCommentList (h, sharedAlbumName)
- function PSPhotoStationAPI.getSharedAlbumCommentList (h, sharedAlbumName)
- local formData = 'method=list_log&' ..
- 'version=1&' ..
- 'offset=0&' ..
- 'limit=-1&' ..
- 'category=comment&' ..
- 'public_share_id=' .. PSPhotoStationUtils.getSharedAlbumShareId(h, sharedAlbumName)
- local respArray, errorCode = callSynoAPI (h, 'SYNO.PhotoStation.AdvancedShare', formData)
- if not respArray then return false, errorCode end
- if respArray.data then
- writeLogfile(3, string.format('getSharedAlbumCommentList(%s) returns %d comments.\n', sharedAlbumName, respArray.data.total))
- else
- writeLogfile(3, string.format('getSharedAlbumCommentList(%s) returns no comments.\n', sharedAlbumName))
- end
- return respArray.data.data
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- getPhotoExifs (h, dstFilename, isVideo)
- function PSPhotoStationAPI.getPhotoExifs (h, dstFilename, isVideo)
- local formData = 'method=getexif&' ..
- 'version=1&' ..
- 'id=' .. PSPhotoStationUtils.getPhotoId(dstFilename, isVideo)
- local respArray, errorCode = callSynoAPI (h, 'SYNO.PhotoStation.Photo', formData)
- if not respArray then return false, errorCode end
- writeLogfile(3, string.format('getPhotoExifs(%s) returns %d exifs.\n', dstFilename, respArray.data.total))
- return respArray.data.exifs
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- getTags (h, type)
- -- get table of tagId/tagString mappings for given type: desc, people, geo
- function PSPhotoStationAPI.getTags(h, type)
- local formData = 'method=list&' ..
- 'version=1&' ..
- 'type=' .. type .. '&' ..
- -- 'additional=info&' ..
- 'offset=0&' ..
- 'limit=-1'
- local respArray, errorCode = callSynoAPI (h, 'SYNO.PhotoStation.Tag', formData)
- if not respArray then return false, errorCode end
- writeLogfile(3, string.format('getTags returns %d tags.\n', respArray.data.total))
- return respArray.data.tags
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- createTag (h, type, name)
- -- create a new tagId/tagString mapping of or given type: desc, people, geo
- function PSPhotoStationAPI.createTag(h, type, name)
- local formData = 'method=create&' ..
- 'version=1&' ..
- 'type=' .. type .. '&' ..
- 'name=' .. urlencode(name)
- local respArray, errorCode = callSynoAPI (h, 'SYNO.PhotoStation.Tag', formData)
- if not respArray then return false, errorCode end
- writeLogfile(3, string.format('createTag(%s, %s) returns tagId %s.\n', type, name, respArray.data.id))
- return respArray.data.id
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- getPhotoTags (h, dstFilename, isVideo)
- -- get table of tags (general,people,geo) of a photo
- function PSPhotoStationAPI.getPhotoTags(h, dstFilename, isVideo)
- local formData = 'method=list&' ..
- 'version=1&' ..
- 'type=people,geo,desc&' ..
- 'additional=info&' ..
- 'id=' .. PSPhotoStationUtils.getPhotoId(dstFilename, isVideo)
- local respArray, errorCode = callSynoAPI (h, 'SYNO.PhotoStation.PhotoTag', formData)
- if not respArray then return false, errorCode end
- writeLogfile(3, string.format('getPhotoTags(%s) returns %d tags.\n', dstFilename, #respArray.data.tags))
- return respArray.data.tags
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- addPhotoTag (h, dstFilename, isVideo, tagId)
- -- add a new tag (general,people,geo) to a photo
- function PSPhotoStationAPI.addPhotoTag(h, dstFilename, isVideo, type, tagId)
- local formData = 'method=' .. type .. '_tag&' ..
- 'version=1&' ..
- 'tag_id=' .. tagId .. '&' ..
- 'id=' .. PSPhotoStationUtils.getPhotoId(dstFilename, isVideo)
- local respArray, errorCode = callSynoAPI (h, 'SYNO.PhotoStation.PhotoTag', formData)
- if not respArray then return false, errorCode end
- writeLogfile(3, string.format('addPhotoTag(%s) returns %d item_tag_ids.\n', dstFilename, #respArray.data.item_tag_ids))
- return respArray.data.item_tag_ids
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- editPhoto (h, dstFilename, isVideo, attrValPairs)
- -- edit specific metadata field of a photo
- function PSPhotoStationAPI.editPhoto(h, dstFilename, isVideo, attrValPairs)
- local formData = 'method=edit&' ..
- 'version=1&' ..
- 'id=' .. PSPhotoStationUtils.getPhotoId(dstFilename, isVideo)
- local logMessage = ''
- for i = 1, #attrValPairs do
- formData = formData .. '&' .. attrValPairs[i].attribute .. '=' .. attrValPairs[i].value
- logMessage = logMessage .. ', ' .. attrValPairs[i].attribute .. '=' .. attrValPairs[i].value
- end
- local success, errorCode = callSynoAPI (h, 'SYNO.PhotoStation.Photo', formData)
- if not success then return false, errorCode end
- writeLogfile(3, string.format('editPhoto(%s,%s) returns OK.\n', dstFilename, logMessage))
- return true
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- getSharedAlbums (h)
- -- get table of sharedAlbumId/sharedAlbumName mappings
- function PSPhotoStationAPI.getSharedAlbums(h)
- local formData = 'method=list&' ..
- 'version=1&' ..
- 'additional=public_share&' ..
- 'offset=0&' ..
- 'limit=-1'
- local respArray, errorCode = callSynoAPI (h, 'SYNO.PhotoStation.SharedAlbum', formData)
- if not respArray then return nil, errorCode end
- writeLogfile(3, string.format('getSharedAlbums() returns %d albums.\n', respArray.data.total))
- return respArray.data.items
- end
- --[[
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- getSharedAlbumInfo (h, sharedAlbumId)
- -- get infos for the given Shared Album
- function PSPhotoStationAPI.getSharedAlbumInfo(h, sharedAlbumId)
- local formData = 'method=getinfo&' ..
- 'version=1&' ..
- 'additional=public_share&' ..
- 'id=' .. sharedAlbumId
- local respArray, errorCode = callSynoAPI (h, 'SYNO.PhotoStation.SharedAlbum', formData)
- if not respArray then return nil, errorCode end
- writeLogfile(3, string.format('getSharedAlbumInfo() returns %d albums.\n', #respArray.data.shared_albums))
- return respArray.data.shared_albums[1];
- end
- ]]
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- createSharedAlbum(h, name)
- function PSPhotoStationAPI.createSharedAlbum(h, name)
- local formData = 'method=create&' ..
- 'version=1&' ..
- -- 'item_id=<photo_id>&' ..
- 'name=' .. urlencode(name)
- local respArray, errorCode = callSynoAPI (h, 'SYNO.PhotoStation.SharedAlbum', formData)
- if not respArray then return false, errorCode end
- writeLogfile(3, string.format('createSharedAlbum(%s) returns sharedAlbumId %s.\n', name, respArray.data.id))
- return respArray.data.id
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- editSharedAlbum(h, sharedAlbumName, sharedAlbumAttributes)
- function PSPhotoStationAPI.editSharedAlbum(h, sharedAlbumName, sharedAlbumAttributes)
- local numAttributes = 0
- local formData = 'method=edit_public_share&' ..
- 'version=1&' ..
- 'id=' .. PSPhotoStationUtils.getSharedAlbumId(h, sharedAlbumName)
- for attr, value in pairs(sharedAlbumAttributes) do
- formData = formData .. '&' .. attr .. '=' .. urlencode(tostring(value))
- numAttributes = numAttributes + 1
- end
- local respArray, errorCode = callSynoAPI (h, 'SYNO.PhotoStation.SharedAlbum', formData)
- if not respArray then return nil, errorCode end
- writeLogfile(3, string.format('editSharedAlbum(%s, %d attributes) returns shareId %s.\n', sharedAlbumName, numAttributes, respArray.data.shareid))
- return respArray.data
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- listSharedAlbum: returns all photos/videos in a given shared album
- -- returns
- -- albumItems: table of photo infos, if success, otherwise nil
- -- errorcode: errorcode, if not success
- function PSPhotoStationAPI.listSharedAlbum(h, dstDir, listItems)
- local formData = 'method=list&' ..
- 'version=1&' ..
- 'filter_shared_album=' .. PSPhotoStationUtils.getSharedAlbumId(h, dstDir) .. '&' ..
- 'type=' .. listItems .. '&' ..
- 'offset=0&' ..
- 'limit=-1&' ..
- 'recursive=false&'..
- 'additional=photo_exif'
- -- 'additional=photo_exif,video_codec,video_quality,thumb_size'
- local respArray, errorCode = callSynoAPI (h, 'SYNO.PhotoStation.Photo', formData)
- if not respArray then return nil, errorCode end
- writeTableLogfile(4, 'listAlbum', respArray.data.items)
- return respArray.data.items
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- PhotoStation.addPhotosToSharedAlbum(h, sharedAlbumName, photos)
- -- add photos to Shared Album
- function PSPhotoStationAPI.addPhotosToSharedAlbum(h, sharedAlbumName, photos)
- local photoIds = {}
- for i = 1, #photos do
- photoIds[i] = PSPhotoStationUtils.getPhotoId(photos[i].dstFilename, photos[i].isVideo)
- end
- local itemList = table.concat(photoIds, ',')
- local formData = 'method=add_items&' ..
- 'version=1&' ..
- 'id=' .. PSPhotoStationUtils.getSharedAlbumId(h, sharedAlbumName) .. '&' ..
- 'item_id=' .. itemList
- local respArray, errorCode = callSynoAPI (h, 'SYNO.PhotoStation.SharedAlbum', formData)
- if not respArray then return false, errorCode end
- writeLogfile(3, string.format('addPhotosToSharedAlbum(%s, %d photos) returns OK.\n', sharedAlbumName, #photos))
- return true
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- PhotoStation.removePhotosFromSharedAlbum(h, sharedAlbumName, photos)
- -- remove photos from Shared Album
- function PSPhotoStationAPI.removePhotosFromSharedAlbum(h, sharedAlbumName, photos)
- local photoIds = {}
- for i = 1, #photos do
- photoIds[i] = PSPhotoStationUtils.getPhotoId(photos[i].dstFilename, photos[i].isVideo)
- end
- local itemList = table.concat(photoIds, ',')
- local formData = 'method=remove_items&' ..
- 'version=1&' ..
- 'id=' .. PSPhotoStationUtils.getSharedAlbumId(h, sharedAlbumName) .. '&' ..
- 'item_id=' .. itemList
- local respArray, errorCode = callSynoAPI (h, 'SYNO.PhotoStation.SharedAlbum', formData)
- if not respArray then return false, errorCode end
- writeLogfile(3, string.format('removePhotosFromSharedAlbum(%s,%d photos) returns OK.\n', sharedAlbumName, #photos))
- return true
- end