123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522 |
- #!/usr/bin/python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- Playstreamproxy daemon (based on Livestream daemon)
- Provides API to ContetSources + stream serving to play via m3u8 playlists
- """
- import os, sys, time, re, json
- import ConfigParser
- import atexit
- from signal import SIGTERM
- from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler
- from SocketServer import ThreadingMixIn
- import time, threading, socket, SocketServer
- from urllib import unquote, quote
- import urllib,urlparse
- import requests
- #import cookielib,urllib2
- from ContentSources import ContentSources
- from sources.SourceBase import stream_type
- import util
- from util import streamproxy_decode3, streamproxy_encode3
- try:
- from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
- requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning)
- except:
- pass
- HOST_NAME = ""
- PORT_NUMBER = 8880
- WORKERS = 10
- KEY = ""
- DEBUG = False
- DEBUG2 = False
- SPLIT_CHAR = "~"
- SPLIT_CODE = "%7E"
- EQ_CODE = "%3D"
- COL_CODE = "%3A"
- cunicode = lambda s: s.decode("utf8") if isinstance(s, str) else s
- cstr = lambda s: s.encode("utf8") if isinstance(s, unicode) else s
- headers2dict = lambda h: dict([l.strip().split(": ") for l in h.strip().splitlines()])
- headers0 = headers2dict("""
- User-Agent: GStreamer souphttpsrc libsoup/2.52.2
- icy-metadata: 1
- """)
- headers0_ = headers2dict("""
- Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
- User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 Safari/537.36
- """)
- cur_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
- slinks = {}
- sessions = {}
- cfg_file = "streams.cfg"
- sources = ContentSources("", cfg_file)
- config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
- proxy_cfg_file = os.path.join(cur_directory, "playstreamproxy.cfg")
- if not os.path.exists(proxy_cfg_file):
- config.add_section("playstreamproxy")
- config.set("playstreamproxy", "debug", DEBUG)
- config.set("playstreamproxy", "host", HOST_NAME)
- config.set("playstreamproxy", "port", PORT_NUMBER)
- config.set("playstreamproxy", "redirect", REDIRECT)
- config.set("playstreamproxy", "key", KEY)
- config.set("playstreamproxy", "multithread", MULTITHREAD)
- config.set("playstreamproxy", "workers", WORKERS)
- config.set("playstreamproxy", "wsgi", "wsgiref")
- config.write(open(proxy_cfg_file, "w"))
- else:
- config.read(proxy_cfg_file)
- DEBUG = config.getboolean("playstreamproxy", "debug")
- HOST_NAME = config.get("playstreamproxy", "host")
- PORT_NUMBER = config.getint("playstreamproxy", "port")
- REDIRECT = config.getboolean("playstreamproxy", "redirect")
- KEY = config.get("playstreamproxy", "key")
- MULTITHREAD = config.getboolean("playstreamproxy", "multithread")
- WORKERS = config.getint("playstreamproxy", "workers")
- pass
- class StreamHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
- def do_HEAD(self):
- print "**get_head"
- self.send_response(200)
- self.send_header("Server", "playstreamproxy")
- if ".m3u8" in self.path.lower():
- ct = "application/vnd.apple.mpegurl"
- elif ".ts" in self.path.lower():
- ct = "video/MP2T"
- elif ".mp4" in self.path.lower():
- ct = "video/mp4"
- else:
- ct = "text/html"
- self.send_header("Content-type", ct)
- self.end_headers()
- def do_GET(self):
- """Respond to a GET request"""
- #
- print "\n\n"+40*"#"+"\nget_url: \n%s" % self.path
- cmd, data, headers, qs = streamproxy_decode3(self.path)
- if KEY:
- key = qs["key"] if "key" in qs else ""
- if key <> KEY:
- print "No key provided"
- #self.send_response(404)
- self.write_error(404)
- return
- if DEBUG:
- print "cmd=%s"%cmd
- print "Original request headers + url headers:"
- print_headers(self.headers.dict)
- self.protocol_version = 'HTTP/1.1'
- try:
- if cmd == "playstream":
- self.fetch_source( self.path)
- elif cmd in ["get_content", "get_streams", "get_info", "is_video", "options_read", "options_write"]:
- if cmd == "get_content":
- content = sources.get_content(data)
- elif cmd == "get_streams":
- content = sources.get_streams(data)
- elif cmd == "get_info":
- content = sources.get_info(data)
- elif cmd == "is_video":
- content = sources.is_video(data)
- elif cmd == "options_read":
- content = sources.options_read(data)
- else:
- content = []
- txt = json.dumps(content)
- self.send_response(200)
- self.send_header("Server", "playstreamproxy")
- self.send_header("Content-type", "application/json")
- self.end_headers()
- self.wfile.write(txt)
- self.wfile.close()
- else:
- self.write_error(404)
- except Exception as e:
- print "Got Exception: ", str(e)
- import traceback
- traceback.print_exc()
- ### Remote server request procedures ###
- def fetch_offline(self):
- print "** Fetch offline"
- self.send_response(200)
- self.send_header("Server", "playstreamproxy")
- self.send_header("Content-type", "video/mp4")
- self.end_headers()
- self.wfile.write(open("offline.mp4", "rb").read())
- #self.wfile.close()
- def redirect_source(self, urlp):
- cmd, data, headers, qs = streamproxy_decode3(urlp)
- streams = sources.get_streams(data)
- if not streams:
- self.write_error(500) # TODO
- return
- stream = streams[0]
- url = stream["url"]
- headers = stream["headers"] if "headers" in stream else headers0
- self.send_response(307)
- self.send_header("Location", url)
- self.end_headers()
- def fetch_source(self, urlp):
- cmd, data, headers, qs = streamproxy_decode3(urlp)
- if DEBUG:
- print "\n***********************************************************"
- print "fetch_source: \n%s"%urlp
- base_data = hls_base(urlp)
- if DEBUG:
- print "base_data=", base_data
- print "data=", data
- if not base_data in slinks:
- streams = sources.get_streams(data)
- if not streams:
- self.write_error(500) # TODO
- return
- stream = streams[0]
- url = stream["url"]
- headers = stream["headers"] if "headers" in stream else headers0
- base_url = hls_base2(url)
- if DEBUG: print "New link, base_url=",base_url
- ses = requests.Session()
- ses.trust_env = False
- slinks[base_data] = {"data": data, "urlp":urlp,"url": url, "base_url": base_url,"session":ses}
- else:
- ses = slinks[base_data]["session"]
- if urlp == slinks[base_data]["urlp"]:
- url = slinks[base_data]["url"]
- if DEBUG: print "Existing base link", url
- else:
- url = urlp.replace(base_data, slinks[base_data]["base_url"])
- if DEBUG: print "Existing new link", url
- print "-->redirect to: " + url
- self.send_response(307)
- self.send_header("Location", url)
- self.end_headers()
- #self.wfile.close()
- return
- headers2 = headers if headers else self.headers.dict
- headers2 = del_headers(headers2, ["host"])
- r = self.get_page_ses(url,ses,True,headers = headers2)
- code = r.status_code
- if not code in (200,206): # TODO 206 apstrāde!
- self.write_error(code)
- return
- if code == 206:
- print "Code=206"
- self.send_response(code)
- #headers2 = del_headers(r.headers, ["Content-Encoding"])
- self.send_headers(r.headers)
- CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 *4
- while True:
- chunk = r.raw.read(CHUNK_SIZE, decode_content=False)
- if not chunk:
- break
- try:
- self.wfile.write(chunk)
- except Exception as e:
- print "Exception: ", str(e)
- self.wfile.close()
- return
- if DEBUG: print "**File downloaded"
- #if "connection" in r.headers and r.headers["connection"] <> "keep-alive":
- self.wfile.close()
- return
- def send_headers(self,headers):
- #if DEBUG:
- #print "**Return headers: "
- #print_headers(headers)
- for h in headers:
- self.send_header(h, headers[h])
- self.end_headers()
- def write_error(self,code):
- print "***Error, code=%s" % code
- self.send_response(code)
- #self.send_headers(r.headers)
- self.wfile.close() # TODO?
- # self.fetch_offline()
- def get_page_ses(self,url,ses,stream=True, headers=None):
- headers= headers if headers else headers0
- ses.headers.update(headers)
- if DEBUG:
- print "\n\n====================================================\n**get_page_ses\n%s"%url
- print "**Server request headers: "
- print_headers(ses.headers)
- r = ses.get(url, stream=stream, verify=False)
- if DEBUG:
- print "**Server response:", r.status_code
- print "**Server response headers: "
- print_headers(r.headers)
- return r
- def get_page(self,url,headers=None):
- if not headers:
- headers = headers0
- if DEBUG:
- print "\n\n====================================================\n**get_page\n%s"%url
- print "**Server request headers: "
- print_headers(headers)
- r = requests.get(url, headers=headers,stream=True)
- if DEBUG:
- print "**Server response:", r.status_code
- print "**Server response headers: "
- print_headers(r.headers)
- return r
- def address_string(self):
- host, port = self.client_address[:2]
- #return socket.getfqdn(host)
- return host
- class ThreadedHTTPServer(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer):
- """Handle requests in a separate thread."""
- def start(host = HOST_NAME, port = PORT_NUMBER, redirect=REDIRECT):
- global REDIRECT
- if redirect:
- REDIRECT = redirect
- httpd = ThreadedHTTPServer((host, port), StreamHandler)
- print time.asctime(), "Server Starts - %s:%s" % (HOST_NAME, PORT_NUMBER)
- try:
- httpd.serve_forever()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass
- httpd.server_close()
- print time.asctime(), "Server Stops - %s:%s" % (HOST_NAME, PORT_NUMBER)
- def start2(host = HOST_NAME, port = PORT_NUMBER, redirect=REDIRECT,workers=WORKERS):
- global REDIRECT
- if redirect:
- REDIRECT = redirect
- print time.asctime(), "Server Starts - %s:%s" % (host, port)
- addr = ('', port)
- sock = socket.socket (socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
- sock.bind(addr)
- sock.listen(5)
- # Launch listener threads.
- class Thread(threading.Thread):
- def __init__(self, i):
- threading.Thread.__init__(self)
- self.i = i
- self.daemon = True
- self.start()
- def run(self):
- httpd = HTTPServer(addr, StreamHandler, False)
- # Prevent the HTTP server from re-binding every handler.
- # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46210672/
- httpd.socket = sock
- httpd.server_bind = self.server_close = lambda self: None
- httpd.serve_forever()
- [Thread(i) for i in range(workers)]
- time.sleep(9e5)
- print time.asctime(), "Server Stops - %s:%s" % (HOST_NAME, PORT_NUMBER)
- class Daemon:
- """
- A generic daemon class.
- Usage: subclass the Daemon class and override the run() method
- """
- def __init__(self, pidfile, stdin="/dev/null", stdout="/dev/null", stderr="/dev/null"):
- self.stdin = stdin
- self.stdout = stdout
- self.stderr = stderr
- self.pidfile = pidfile
- def daemonize(self):
- """
- do the UNIX double-fork magic, see Stevens' "Advanced
- Programming in the UNIX Environment" for details (ISBN 0201563177)
- http://www.erlenstar.demon.co.uk/unix/faq_2.html#SEC16
- """
- try:
- pid = os.fork()
- if pid > 0:
- # exit first parent
- sys.exit(0)
- except OSError, e:
- sys.stderr.write("fork #1 failed: %d (%s)\n" % (e.errno, e.strerror))
- sys.exit(1)
- # decouple from parent environment
- os.chdir("/")
- os.setsid()
- os.umask(0)
- # do second fork
- try:
- pid = os.fork()
- if pid > 0:
- # exit from second parent
- sys.exit(0)
- except OSError, e:
- sys.stderr.write("fork #2 failed: %d (%s)\n" % (e.errno, e.strerror))
- sys.exit(1)
- # redirect standard file descriptors
- sys.stdout.flush()
- sys.stderr.flush()
- si = file(self.stdin, "r")
- so = file(self.stdout, "a+")
- se = file(self.stderr, "a+", 0)
- os.dup2(si.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno())
- os.dup2(so.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno())
- os.dup2(se.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno())
- # write pidfile
- atexit.register(self.delpid)
- pid = str(os.getpid())
- file(self.pidfile,"w+").write("%s\n" % pid)
- def delpid(self):
- os.remove(self.pidfile)
- def start(self):
- """
- Start the daemon
- """
- # Check for a pidfile to see if the daemon already runs
- try:
- pf = file(self.pidfile,"r")
- pid = int(pf.read().strip())
- pf.close()
- except IOError:
- pid = None
- if pid:
- message = "pidfile %s already exist. Daemon already running?\n"
- sys.stderr.write(message % self.pidfile)
- sys.exit(1)
- # Start the daemon
- self.daemonize()
- self.run()
- def stop(self):
- """
- Stop the daemon
- """
- # Get the pid from the pidfile
- try:
- pf = file(self.pidfile,"r")
- pid = int(pf.read().strip())
- pf.close()
- except IOError:
- pid = None
- if not pid:
- message = "pidfile %s does not exist. Daemon not running?\n"
- sys.stderr.write(message % self.pidfile)
- return # not an error in a restart
- # Try killing the daemon process
- try:
- while 1:
- os.kill(pid, SIGTERM)
- time.sleep(0.1)
- except OSError, err:
- err = str(err)
- if err.find("No such process") > 0:
- if os.path.exists(self.pidfile):
- os.remove(self.pidfile)
- else:
- print str(err)
- sys.exit(1)
- def restart(self):
- """
- Restart the daemon
- """
- self.stop()
- self.start()
- def run(self):
- """
- You should override this method when you subclass Daemon. It will be called after the process has been
- daemonized by start() or restart().
- """
- class ProxyDaemon(Daemon):
- def run(self):
- start2()
- else:
- start()
- def print_headers(headers):
- for h in headers:
- print "%s: %s"%(h,headers[h])
- def del_headers(headers0,tags):
- headers = headers0.copy()
- for t in tags:
- if t in headers:
- del headers[t]
- if t.lower() in headers:
- del headers[t.lower()]
- return headers
- def hls_base(url):
- base = url.split("?")[0]
- base = "/".join(base.split("/")[0:3])+ "/"
- rest = url.replace(base, "")
- return base
- def hls_base2(url):
- base = url.split("?")[0]
- base = "/".join(base.split("/")[0:-1])+ "/"
- rest = url.replace(base, "")
- return base
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- daemon = ProxyDaemon("/var/run/playstreamproxy.pid")
- if len(sys.argv) == 2:
- if "start" == sys.argv[1]:
- daemon.start()
- elif "stop" == sys.argv[1]:
- daemon.stop()
- elif "restart" == sys.argv[1]:
- daemon.restart()
- elif "manualstart" == sys.argv[1]:
- daemon.run()
- elif "multithread" == sys.argv[1]:
- start2()
- else:
- print "Unknown command"
- sys.exit(2)
- sys.exit(0)
- else:
- print "usage: %s start|stop|restart|manualstart" % sys.argv[0]
- sys.exit(2)