123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # coding=utf8
- #
- # This file is part of PlayStream - enigma2 plugin to play video streams from various sources
- # Copyright (c) 2016 ivars777 (ivars777@gmail.com)
- # Distributed under the GNU GPL v3. For full terms see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html
- #
- import sys, os, os.path, re, sys
- import urllib,urllib2
- from xml.sax.saxutils import unescape,escape
- from urllib import quote, unquote
- import datetime
- import HTMLParser
- import json
- import datetime,time
- from SourceBase import SourceBase, stream_type
- import util
- from collections import OrderedDict
- import ssl
- ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
- API_URL = 'https://m.lattelecom.tv/'
- user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 5_1_1 like Mac OS X; da-dk) AppleWebKit/534.46.0 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/19.0.1084.60 Mobile/9B206 Safari/7534.48.3"
- headers2dict = lambda h: dict([l.strip().split(": ") for l in h.strip().splitlines()])
- h = HTMLParser.HTMLParser()
- class Source(SourceBase):
- def __init__(self,cfg_path=None):
- self.name = "iplayer"
- self.title = "BBC iPlayer"
- self.img = "http://www.userlogos.org/files/logos/inductiveload/BBC_iPlayer_logo.png"
- self.desc = "BBC iPlayer portal content"
- self.api_url = "http://ibl.api.bbci.co.uk/ibl/v1/"
- self.headers = headers2dict("""
- User-Agent: BBCiPlayer/ (SM-G900FD; Android 4.4.2)
- Connection: Keep-Alive
- """)
- self.headers2 = headers2dict("""
- User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 Safari/537.36
- Connection: Keep-Alive
- """)
- self.ch = []
- self.ch_id={}
- self.ch_id2={}
- self.ch_name={}
- self.logos ={
- "bbc_one_london":"http://www.lyngsat-logo.com/hires/bb/bbc_one.png",
- "bbc_two_england":"http://www.lyngsat-logo.com/hires/bb/bbc_two_uk.png",
- "bbc_three":"http://www.lyngsat-logo.com/hires/bb/bbc_three_uk.png",
- "bbc_four":"http://www.lyngsat-logo.com/hires/bb/bbc_four_uk.png",
- "bbc_radio_one":"http://www.lyngsat-logo.com/hires/bb/bbc_radio1.png",
- "cbbc":"http://www.lyngsat-logo.com/hires/bb/bbc_cbbc.png",
- "cbeebies":"http://www.lyngsat-logo.com/hires/bb/bbc_cbeebies_uk.png",
- "bbc_news24":"http://www.lyngsat-logo.com/hires/bb/bbc_news.png",
- "bbc_parliament":"http://www.lyngsat-logo.com/hires/bb/bbc_parliament.png",
- "bbc_alba":"http://www.lyngsat-logo.com/hires/bb/bbc_alba.png",
- "s4cpbs":"http://www.lyngsat-logo.com/hires/ss/s4c_uk.png"
- }
- cur_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
- if not cfg_path: cfg_path = cur_directory
- self.config_file = os.path.join(cfg_path,self.name+".cfg")
- self.options = OrderedDict([("user","lietotajs"),("password","parole")])
- self.options_read()
- def get_content(self, data):
- print "[iplayer] get_content:", data
- if "::" in data:
- data = data.split("::")[1]
- path = data.split("?")[0]
- clist = path.split("/")[0]
- params = data[data.find("?"):] if "?" in data else ""
- qs = dict(map(lambda x:x.split("="),re.findall("\w+=[\w-]+",params)))
- #lang = qs["lang"] if "lang" in qs else self.country
- content=[]
- content.append(("..return", "back","","Return back"))
- ### Home ###
- if data=="home":
- content.extend([
- ("Search TV", "iplayer::search/{0}","","Search in iPlayer"),
- ("Live streams", "iplayer::live","","TV live streams"),
- ("Channels", "iplayer::channels","","Programmes by channel/date"),
- ("Categories", "iplayer::categories","","Programmes by categories"),
- ("A-Z", "iplayer::a-z","","All programmes by name"),
- ("Highlights", "iplayer::home/highlights","","Current highlights"),
- ("Most popular", "iplayer::groups/popular/episodes?per_page=40&page=1","","Most popular programmes")
- ])
- return content
- ### Search ###
- elif clist=="search":
- data_ = "search-suggest/?q=%s&rights=mobile&initial_child_count=1"%data.split("/")[1]
- r = self.call(data_)
- for item in r["search_suggest"]["results"]:
- title,data2,img,desc = self.get_data_element(item)
- content.append((title,self.name+"::"+data2,img,desc))
- return content
- ### Live main ###
- elif data=="live":
- for ch in self.get_channels():
- title = ch["title"]
- img = self.logos[ch["id"]] if ch["id"] in self.logos else "http://static.bbci.co.uk/mobileiplayerappbranding/1.9/android/images/channels/tv-guide-wide-logo/layout_normal/xxhdpi/%s_tv-guide-wide-logo.png"%ch["id"]
- desc = title
- data2 = "live/%s"%ch["id"]
- ee = self.get_epg_live(ch["id"])
- desc = ee[2]
- content.append((title,self.name+"::"+data2,img,desc))
- return content
- ### Categories ###
- elif data == "categories":
- r = self.call(data)
- if not "categories":
- raise Exception("Error reading categories")
- for item in r["categories"]:
- data2 = "categories/%s"%(item["id"])
- title = item["title"]
- desc = title
- img = self.img
- content.append((title,self.name+"::"+data2,img,desc))
- return content
- ### Catetory root ###
- elif clist == "categories" and len(data.split("/"))==2:
- r = self.call(data)
- title = "%s - highlights"%r["category"]["title"]
- content.append((title,self.name+"::"+data+"/highlights?lang=en&rights=mobile&availability=available",self.img,title))
- title = "%s - recent (%s programmes, %s episodes)"%(r["category"]["title"],r["category"]["child_programme_count"],r["category"]["child_episode_count"])
- content.append((title,self.name+"::"+data+"/programmes?rights=mobile&page=1&per_page=40&sort=recent&sort_direction=asc&initial_child_count=1&availability=available",self.img,title))
- title = "%s - a-z (%s programmes, %s episodes)"%(r["category"]["title"],r["category"]["child_programme_count"],r["category"]["child_episode_count"])
- content.append((title,self.name+"::"+data+"/programmes?rights=mobile&page=1&per_page=40&sort=title&sort_direction=asc&initial_child_count=1&availability=available",self.img,title))
- return content
- ### Program/episodes list ###
- elif re.search("categories/([\w\-]+)/(highlights|programmes).+",data) or\
- re.search("programmes/(\w+)/episodes.+",data) or\
- re.search("groups/(\w+)/episodes.+",data) or\
- re.search("atoz/([\w]+)/programmes.+",data) or\
- re.search("channels/(\w+)/schedule/[\d\-].+",data) or\
- re.search("channels/(\w+)/programmes.+",data) or\
- re.search("channels/(\w+)/highlights.+",data) or\
- data == "home/highlights":
- r = self.call(data)
- lst = r["category_highlights"] if "category_highlights" in r else\
- r["category_programmes"] if "category_programmes" in r else\
- r["programme_episodes"] if "programme_episodes" in r else\
- r["atoz_programmes"] if "atoz_programmes" in r else\
- r["group_episodes"] if "group_episodes" in r else\
- r["schedule"] if "schedule" in r else\
- r["channel_highlights"] if "channel_highlights" in r else\
- r["channel_programmes"] if "channel_programmes" in r else\
- r["home_highlights"] if "home_highlights" in r else\
- []
- if not lst:
- return content
- for el in lst["elements"]:
- if el["type"] == "broadcast":
- if not len(el["episode"]["versions"]):continue
- title,data2,img,desc = self.get_data_element(el["episode"])
- t1 = gt(el['scheduled_start'])
- t2 = gt(el['scheduled_end'])
- title = "[%s-%s]%s"%(t1.strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M"),t2.strftime("%H:%M"),title)
- else:
- title,data2,img,desc = self.get_data_element(el)
- content.append((title,self.name+"::"+data2,img,desc))
- if "&page=" in data and lst["page"]*lst["per_page"]<lst["count"]:
- data2 = re.sub("&page=\d+","&page=%s"%(lst["page"]+1),data)
- content.append(("Next page",self.name+"::"+data2,self.img,"Next page"))
- return content
- ### A-z root ###
- elif data=="a-z":
- url = "http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/a-z/by/x/all.json?page=1"
- r = self._http_request(url)
- if not r:
- raise Exception("Can not read %s"%s)
- js = json.loads(r)
- for ch in js["atoz"]["letters"]:
- title = ch.upper()
- desc = "Programmes beginning with %s"%title
- img = self.img
- data2 = "atoz/%s/programmes?rights=mobile&page=1&per_page=40&initial_child_count=1&sort=title&sort_direction=asc&availability=available"%ch
- content.append((title,self.name+"::"+data2,img,desc))
- return content
- ### Channels home ###
- elif data=="channels":
- for ch in self.get_channels():
- title = ch["title"]
- img = self.logos[ch["id"]] if ch["id"] in self.logos else "http://static.bbci.co.uk/mobileiplayerappbranding/1.9/android/images/channels/tv-guide-wide-logo/layout_normal/xxhdpi/%s_tv-guide-wide-logo.png"%ch["id"]
- desc = title
- data2 = "channels/%s"%ch["id"]
- #ee = self.get_epg_live(ch["id"])
- desc = title
- content.append((title,self.name+"::"+data2,img,desc))
- return content
- ### Channel higlihts/progrmmes/days ###
- elif clist=="channels" and len(data.split("/"))==2:
- r = self.call(data)
- chid = data.split("/")[1]
- ch = self.get_channel_by_id(chid)
- # Highlights
- title = ch["title"] + " - highlights"
- img = "http://static.bbci.co.uk/mobileiplayerappbranding/1.9/android/images/channels/tv-guide-wide-logo/layout_normal/xxhdpi/%s_tv-guide-wide-logo.png"%ch["id"]
- data2 = "channels/%s/highlights?lang=en&rights=mobile&availability=available"%ch["id"]
- desc = title
- content.append((title,self.name+"::"+data2,img,desc))
- #AtoZ
- title = ch["title"] + " - programmes AtoZ"
- data2 = "channels/%s/programmes?rights=mobile&page=1&per_page=40&sort=recent&sort_direction=asc&initial_child_count=1&availability=available"%ch["id"]
- desc = title
- content.append((title,self.name+"::"+data2,img,desc))
- day0 = datetime.date.today()
- for i in range(10):
- day = day0-datetime.timedelta(days=i)
- days = day.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
- title = ch["title"] + " - " + days
- img = "http://static.bbci.co.uk/mobileiplayerappbranding/1.9/android/images/channels/tv-guide-wide-logo/layout_normal/xxhdpi/%s_tv-guide-wide-logo.png"%ch["id"]
- data2 = "channels/%s/schedule/%s?availability=available"%(ch["id"],days)
- #ee = self.get_epg_live(ch["id"])
- desc = title
- content.append((title,self.name+"::"+data2,img,desc))
- return content
- def get_streams(self, data):
- print "[iplayer] get_streams:", data
- if "::" in data: data = data.split("::")[1]
- if not self.is_video(data):
- return []
- cmd = data.split("/")
- vid = cmd[1].split("?")[0]
- if cmd[0] == "live":
- title,img,desc,nfo = self.get_epg_live(vid)
- else:
- #data_ = "episodes/%s"%vid
- #r = self.call(data_)
- title,img,desc,vid,nfo = self.get_epg_video(vid)
- url = "http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/format/json/mediaset/iptv-all/vpid/%s"%vid
- print "vid=%s"%vid
- print url
- r = self._http_request(url) #,headers=self.headers2
- if not r:
- raise Exception("No streams found")
- js = json.loads(r)
- if "result" in js and js["result"]=="geolocation":
- raise Exception("BBC iPlayer service available only from UK")
- if not "media" in js:
- raise Exception("No streams found")
- streams = []
- captions = []
- for s in js["media"]:
- if s["kind"] == "captions":
- if s["connection"][0]["href"]:
- sub = {}
- sub["url"] = s["connection"][0]["href"].encode('utf8')
- sub["type"] = s["type"]
- sub["name"] = s["service"] if "service" in s else "captions (taff)"
- sub["lang"] = "en"
- captions.append(sub)
- if s["kind"] <> "video":
- continue
- for c in s["connection"]:
- if c["transferFormat"] <> "hls": continue
- #if not (c["supplier"].startswith("mf_") or c["supplier"].startswith("ll_")) : continue # TODO ir kaut kādas VPN problēmas ar akamaihd
- #if c["priority"] <> "1": continue
- url=c["href"].encode("utf8")
- r2 = self._http_request(url)
- if not r2: continue
- slist = re.findall("#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:([^\n]+)\n([^\n]+)", r2, re.DOTALL)
- if not slist:
- stream = util.item()
- stream["url"]=url
- stream["name"]=title
- stream["desc"]=desc
- stream["img"]=img
- stream["type"]="hls"
- stream["quality"]=("%s %sx%s %s,%s"%(s["bitrate"],s["width"],s["height"],c["supplier"],c["priority"])).encode("utf8")
- stream["lang"]="en"
- stream["subs"]=captions
- stream["order"]=int(s["bitrate"])
- stream["nfo"] = nfo
- streams.append(stream)
- else:
- for cc in slist:
- m = re.search("RESOLUTION=([\dx]+)",cc[0])
- resolution = m.group(1) if m else "%sx%s"%(s["width"],s["height"])
- m = re.search("BANDWIDTH=([\d]+)",cc[0])
- bitrate = m.group(1) if m else s["bitrate"]
- url2 = cc[1].encode("utf8")
- if not url2.startswith("http"):
- uu = url.split("/")[:-1]
- uu.append(url2)
- url2 = "/".join(uu)
- stream = util.item()
- stream["url"]=url2
- stream["name"]=title
- stream["desc"]=desc
- stream["img"]=img
- stream["type"]="hls"
- stream["quality"]=("%s %s %s,%s"%(bitrate,resolution,c["supplier"],c["priority"])).encode("utf8")
- stream["lang"]="en"
- stream["subs"]=captions
- stream["order"]=int(bitrate)
- stream["nfo"] = nfo
- streams.append(stream)
- if captions:
- for s in streams:
- s["subs"]=captions
- streams = sorted(streams,key=lambda item: item["order"],reverse=True)
- return streams
- def is_video(self,data):
- if "::" in data:
- data = data.split("::")[1]
- cmd = data.split("/")
- if cmd[0]=="live" and len(cmd)==2:
- return True
- elif cmd[0]=="episodes" and len(cmd)==2:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def get_data_element(self,item):
- if ("programme" in item["type"] or "group" in item["type"]) and item["count"]>1:
- ep = item.copy()
- elif ("programme" in item["type"] or "group" in item["type"]) and item["count"]==1:
- ep = item["initial_children"][0].copy()
- elif item["type"] == "episode":
- ep = item.copy()
- elif item["type"] == "broadcast":
- ep = item["episode"].copy()
- else:
- ep = item.copy()
- title = ep["title"]
- if "subtitle" in ep and ep["subtitle"]:
- title = title+". "+ ep["subtitle"]
- desc = ep["synopses"]["large"] if "large" in ep["synopses"] else ep["synopses"]["medium"] if "medium" in ep["synopses"] else ep["synopses"]["small"]
- #TODO papildus info pie apraksta
- img = ep["images"]["standard"].replace("{recipe}","512x288") if "images" in ep else self.img
- if ep["type"] == "episode":
- data2 = "episodes/%s"%ep["id"]
- elif "programme" in ep["type"]:
- data2 = "programmes/%s/episodes?per_page=40&page=1"%ep["id"]
- title = "%s [%s episodes]"%(title,ep["count"])
- elif "group" in ep["type"]:
- data2 = "groups/%s/episodes?per_page=40&page=1"%ep["id"]
- title = "%s [%s episodes]"%(title,ep["count"])
- else:
- data2 = "programmes/%s/episodes?per_page=40&page=1"%ep["id"]
- title = "%s [%s episodes]"%(title,ep["count"])
- return title,data2,img,desc
- def get_epg_video(self,vid):
- data = "episodes/%s"%vid
- nfo = {}
- r = self.call(data)
- if "episodes" in r :
- ep = r["episodes"][0]
- title = ep["title"]
- if "subtitle" in ep:
- title = title +". "+ ep["subtitle"]
- title = title
- desc = ep["synopses"]["medium"] if "medium" in ep["synopses"] else p["synopses"]["small"] if "small" in ep["synopses"] else title
- desc = desc
- ver = ep["versions"][0]
- vid = ver["id"]
- remaining = ver["availability"]["end"].split("T")[0] #["remaining"]["text"]
- duration = ver["duration"]["text"]
- first_broadcast = ver["first_broadcast"]
- desc =u"%s\n%s\%s\n%s\n%s"%(title,duration,remaining,first_broadcast,desc)
- img = ep["images"]["standard"].replace("{recipe}","512x288")
- #Create nfo dictionary
- tt = lambda dd,k,d: dd[k] if k in dd else d
- nfo_type = "movie" if True else "tvswhow" # TODO
- t = OrderedDict()
- t["title"] = title
- t["originaltitle"] = tt(ep,"original_title","")
- t["thumb"] = img
- t["id"] = vid
- t["outline"] = ep["synopses"]["small"] if "small" in ep["synopses"] else ep["synopses"]["editorial"] if "editorial" in ep["synopses"] else ""
- t["plot"] = ep["synopses"]["large"] if "large" in ep["synopses"] else ep["synopses"]["medium"] if "medium" in ep["synopses"] else p["synopses"]["small"] if "small" in ep["synopses"] else title
- t["tagline"] = ep["synopses"]["editorial"] if "editorial" in ep["synopses"] else ""
- t["runtime"] = tt(ver["duration"],"text","")
- t["premiered"] = tt(ep,"release_date","")
- t["aired"] = ver["availability"]["start"].split("T")[0] if "start" in ver["availability"] else ""
- if "parent_position" in ep: t["episode"] = ep["parent_position"]
- nfo[nfo_type] = t
- return title.encode("utf8"),img.encode("utf8"),desc.encode("utf8"),vid.encode("utf8"),nfo
- else:
- raise Exception("No video info")
- def get_epg_live(self,channelid):
- data = "channels/%s/highlights?live=true"%channelid
- r = self.call(data)
- nfo = {}
- if "channel_highlights" in r and r["channel_highlights"]["elements"][0]["id"] == "live":
- epg = r["channel_highlights"]["elements"][0]["initial_children"][0].copy()
- t1 = gt(epg['scheduled_start'])
- t2 = gt(epg['scheduled_end'])
- ep = epg["episode"]
- title = ep["title"]
- if "subtitle" in ep:
- title = title +". "+ ep["subtitle"]
- title = "%s (%s-%s)"%(title,t1.strftime("%H:%M"),t2.strftime("%H:%M"))
- title = title
- desc = ep["synopses"]["medium"] if "medium" in ep["synopses"] else p["synopses"]["small"] if "small" in ep["synopses"] else title
- desc = desc
- desc ="%s\n%s"%(title,desc)
- img = ep["images"]["standard"].replace("{recipe}","512x288")
- #return title,img,desc
- else:
- title = r["channel_highlights"]["channel"]["title"]
- img = ""
- desc = title
- return title.encode("utf8"),img.encode("utf8"),desc.encode("utf8"),nfo
- def get_channels(self):
- if self.ch:
- return self.ch
- r= self.call("channels")
- self.ch=[]
- for i,item in enumerate(r["channels"]):
- self.ch.append(item)
- self.ch_id[item["id"]]=i
- self.ch_id2[item["master_brand_id"]]=i
- self.ch_name[item["title"]]=i
- return self.ch
- def get_channel_by_id(self,chid):
- if not self.ch:
- self.get_channels()
- if not self.ch:
- return None
- return self.ch[self.ch_id[chid]] if self.ch_id.has_key(chid) else None
- def get_channel_by_id2(self,chid):
- if not self.ch:
- self.get_channels()
- if not self.ch:
- return None
- return self.ch[self.ch_id2[chid]] if self.ch_id2.has_key(chid) else None
- def get_channel_by_name(self,name):
- if not self.ch:
- self.get_channels()
- ch2 = self.get_channel_by_name2(name)
- if not ch2:
- return None
- ch = self.get_channel_by_id2(ch2["id2"])
- return ch
- def call(self, data,params = None, headers=None):
- if not headers: headers = self.headers
- #if not lang: lang = self.country
- url = self.api_url + data
- content = self._http_request(url,params, headers)
- if content:
- try:
- result = json.loads(content)
- return result
- except Exception, ex:
- return None
- else:
- return None
- def call2(self, data,params = None, headers=None):
- if not headers: headers = self.headers2
- #if not lang: lang = self.country
- url = self.api_url2 + data
- content = self._http_request(url,params, headers)
- return content
- def _http_request(self, url,params = None, headers=None):
- if not headers: headers = self.headers
- import requests
- try:
- from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
- requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning)
- except:
- pass
- try:
- r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
- return r.content
- except Exception as ex:
- if "code" in dir(ex) and ex.code==403:
- return ex.read()
- else:
- return None
- def gt(dt_str):
- dt, _, us= dt_str.partition(".")
- dt= datetime.datetime.strptime(dt, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
- dt = dt - datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.altzone)
- #us= int(us.rstrip("Z"), 10)
- #r = dt + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=us)a
- return dt
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- c = Source()
- from subprocess import call
- #ch = c.get_channels()
- #c.get_epg_live("bbc_two_england")
- if len(sys.argv)>1 and not "iplayer::" in sys.argv[1]:
- vid = sys.argv[1]
- print "login - %s"%c.login("ivars777","xxx")
- vid = "1069"
- vid = "1462566072086"
- channelid="101"
- vid = "1350462656767"
- #data = c.get_stream_url(vid,"vod")
- #call([r"c:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe",data["stream"]])
- pass
- else:
- if len(sys.argv)>1:
- data= sys.argv[1]
- else:
- data = "iplayer::home"
- content = c.get_content(data)
- for item in content:
- print item
- #cat = api.get_categories(country)
- #chan = api.get_channels("lv")
- #prog = api.get_programs(channel=6400)
- #prog = api.get_programs(category=55)
- #seas = api.get_seasons(program=6453)
- #str = api.get_streams(660243)
- #res = api.get_videos(802)
- #formats = api.getAllFormats()
- #det = api.detailed("1516")
- #vid = api.getVideos("13170")
- pass