Enigma2 plugin to to play various online streams (mostly Latvian).

  1. from boxbranding import getMachineBrand, getMachineName
  2. from twisted.web import client
  3. from twisted.internet import reactor, defer, ssl
  4. class HTTPProgressDownloader(client.HTTPDownloader):
  5. def __init__(self, url, outfile, headers=None):
  6. client.HTTPDownloader.__init__(self, url, outfile, headers=headers, agent="Enigma2 HbbTV/1.1.1 (+PVR+RTSP+DL;OpenATV;;;)")
  7. self.status = None
  8. self.progress_callback = None
  9. self.deferred = defer.Deferred()
  10. def noPage(self, reason):
  11. if self.status == "304":
  12. print reason.getErrorMessage()
  13. client.HTTPDownloader.page(self, "")
  14. else:
  15. client.HTTPDownloader.noPage(self, reason)
  16. def gotHeaders(self, headers):
  17. if self.status == "200":
  18. if headers.has_key("content-length"):
  19. self.totalbytes = int(headers["content-length"][0])
  20. else:
  21. self.totalbytes = 0
  22. self.currentbytes = 0.0
  23. return client.HTTPDownloader.gotHeaders(self, headers)
  24. def pagePart(self, packet):
  25. if self.status == "200":
  26. self.currentbytes += len(packet)
  27. if self.totalbytes and self.progress_callback:
  28. self.progress_callback(self.currentbytes, self.totalbytes)
  29. return client.HTTPDownloader.pagePart(self, packet)
  30. def pageEnd(self):
  31. return client.HTTPDownloader.pageEnd(self)
  32. class downloadWithProgress:
  33. def __init__(self, url, outputfile, contextFactory=None, *args, **kwargs):
  34. if hasattr(client, '_parse'):
  35. scheme, host, port, path = client._parse(url)
  36. else:
  37. from twisted.web.client import _URI
  38. uri = _URI.fromBytes(url)
  39. scheme = uri.scheme
  40. host = uri.host
  41. port = uri.port
  42. path = uri.path
  43. self.factory = HTTPProgressDownloader(url, outputfile, *args, **kwargs)
  44. if scheme == "https":
  45. self.connection = reactor.connectSSL(host, port, self.factory, ssl.ClientContextFactory())
  46. else:
  47. self.connection = reactor.connectTCP(host, port, self.factory)
  48. def start(self):
  49. return self.factory.deferred
  50. def stop(self):
  51. if self.connection:
  52. print "[stop]"
  53. self.connection.disconnect()
  54. def addProgress(self, progress_callback):
  55. print "[addProgress]"
  56. self.factory.progress_callback = progress_callback