Enigma2 plugin to to play various online streams (mostly Latvian).

  1. from Tkinter import *
  2. class App:
  3. def __init__(self, master):
  4. self.frame = Frame(master,width=1015,height=550)
  5. self.frame.pack()
  6. self.b_red = Button(self.frame, text="Back", fg="red", command=self.frame.quit, height = 30, width = 148)
  7. self.b_red.place(x=110,y=500)
  8. self.b_green = Button(self.frame, text="Select", fg="green",command=self.say_hi,height = 30, width = 148)
  9. self.b_green.place(x=370,y=500)
  10. def say_hi(self):
  11. print "hi there, everyone!"
  12. root = Tk()
  13. root.geometry("1015x550")
  14. app = App(root)
  15. root.mainloop()