Enigma2 plugin to to play various online streams (mostly Latvian).

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. # coding=utf8
  3. #
  4. # This file is part of PlayStream - enigma2 plugin to play video streams from various sources
  5. # Copyright (c) 2016 ivars777 (ivars777@gmail.com)
  6. # Distributed under the GNU GPL v3. For full terms see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html
  7. #
  8. import sys, os, os.path, re, sys
  9. import urllib,urllib2
  10. from xml.sax.saxutils import unescape,escape
  11. from urllib import quote, unquote
  12. import datetime
  13. import HTMLParser
  14. import json
  15. import datetime,time
  16. from SourceBase import SourceBase, stream_type
  17. import util
  18. from collections import OrderedDict
  19. import ssl
  20. if "_create_unverified_context" in dir(ssl):
  21. ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
  22. API_URL = 'https://m.lattelecom.tv/'
  23. user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 5_1_1 like Mac OS X; da-dk) AppleWebKit/534.46.0 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/19.0.1084.60 Mobile/9B206 Safari/7534.48.3"
  24. headers2dict = lambda h: dict([l.strip().split(": ") for l in h.strip().splitlines()])
  25. h = HTMLParser.HTMLParser()
  26. class Source(SourceBase):
  27. def __init__(self,cfg_path=None):
  28. self.name = "iplayer"
  29. self.title = "BBC iPlayer"
  30. self.img = "http://www.userlogos.org/files/logos/inductiveload/BBC_iPlayer_logo.png"
  31. self.desc = "BBC iPlayer portal content"
  32. self.api_url = "http://ibl.api.bbci.co.uk/ibl/v1/"
  33. self.headers = headers2dict("""
  34. User-Agent: BBCiPlayer/ (SM-G900FD; Android 4.4.2)
  35. Connection: Keep-Alive
  36. """)
  37. self.headers2 = headers2dict("""
  38. User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 Safari/537.36
  39. Connection: Keep-Alive
  40. """)
  41. self.ch = []
  42. self.ch_id={}
  43. self.ch_id2={}
  44. self.ch_name={}
  45. self.logos ={
  46. "bbc_one_london":"http://www.lyngsat-logo.com/hires/bb/bbc_one.png",
  47. "bbc_two_england":"http://www.lyngsat-logo.com/hires/bb/bbc_two_uk.png",
  48. "bbc_three":"http://www.lyngsat-logo.com/hires/bb/bbc_three_uk.png",
  49. "bbc_four":"http://www.lyngsat-logo.com/hires/bb/bbc_four_uk.png",
  50. "bbc_radio_one":"http://www.lyngsat-logo.com/hires/bb/bbc_radio1.png",
  51. "cbbc":"http://www.lyngsat-logo.com/hires/bb/bbc_cbbc.png",
  52. "cbeebies":"http://www.lyngsat-logo.com/hires/bb/bbc_cbeebies_uk.png",
  53. "bbc_news24":"http://www.lyngsat-logo.com/hires/bb/bbc_news.png",
  54. "bbc_parliament":"http://www.lyngsat-logo.com/hires/bb/bbc_parliament.png",
  55. "bbc_alba":"http://www.lyngsat-logo.com/hires/bb/bbc_alba.png",
  56. "s4cpbs":"http://www.lyngsat-logo.com/hires/ss/s4c_uk.png"
  57. }
  58. cur_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
  59. if not cfg_path: cfg_path = cur_directory
  60. self.config_file = os.path.join(cfg_path,self.name+".cfg")
  61. self.options = OrderedDict([("user","lietotajs"),("password","parole")])
  62. self.options_read()
  63. def get_content(self, data):
  64. print "[iplayer] get_content:", data
  65. if "::" in data:
  66. data = data.split("::")[1]
  67. path = data.split("?")[0]
  68. clist = path.split("/")[0]
  69. params = data[data.find("?"):] if "?" in data else ""
  70. qs = dict(map(lambda x:x.split("="),re.findall("\w+=[\w-]+",params)))
  71. #lang = qs["lang"] if "lang" in qs else self.country
  72. content=[]
  73. content.append(("..return", "back","","Return back"))
  74. ### Home ###
  75. if data=="home":
  76. content.extend([
  77. ("Search TV", "iplayer::search/{0}","","Search in iPlayer"),
  78. ("Live streams", "iplayer::live","","TV live streams"),
  79. ("Channels", "iplayer::channels","","Programmes by channel/date"),
  80. ("Categories", "iplayer::categories","","Programmes by categories"),
  81. ("A-Z", "iplayer::a-z","","All programmes by name"),
  82. ("Highlights", "iplayer::home/highlights","","Current highlights"),
  83. ("Most popular", "iplayer::groups/popular/episodes?per_page=40&page=1","","Most popular programmes")
  84. ])
  85. return content
  86. ### Search ###
  87. elif clist=="search":
  88. data_ = "search-suggest/?q=%s&rights=mobile&initial_child_count=1"%data.split("/")[1]
  89. r = self.call(data_)
  90. for item in r["search_suggest"]["results"]:
  91. title,data2,img,desc = self.get_data_element(item)
  92. content.append((title,self.name+"::"+data2,img,desc))
  93. return content
  94. ### Live main ###
  95. elif data=="live":
  96. for ch in self.get_channels():
  97. title = ch["title"]
  98. img = self.logos[ch["id"]] if ch["id"] in self.logos else "http://static.bbci.co.uk/mobileiplayerappbranding/1.9/android/images/channels/tv-guide-wide-logo/layout_normal/xxhdpi/%s_tv-guide-wide-logo.png"%ch["id"]
  99. desc = title
  100. data2 = "live/%s"%ch["id"]
  101. ee = self.get_epg_live(ch["id"])
  102. desc = ee[2]
  103. content.append((title,self.name+"::"+data2,img,desc))
  104. return content
  105. ### Categories ###
  106. elif data == "categories":
  107. r = self.call(data)
  108. if not "categories":
  109. raise Exception("Error reading categories")
  110. for item in r["categories"]:
  111. data2 = "categories/%s"%(item["id"])
  112. title = item["title"]
  113. desc = title
  114. img = self.img
  115. content.append((title,self.name+"::"+data2,img,desc))
  116. return content
  117. ### Catetory root ###
  118. elif clist == "categories" and len(data.split("/"))==2:
  119. r = self.call(data)
  120. title = "%s - highlights"%r["category"]["title"]
  121. content.append((title,self.name+"::"+data+"/highlights?lang=en&rights=mobile&availability=available",self.img,title))
  122. title = "%s - recent (%s programmes, %s episodes)"%(r["category"]["title"],r["category"]["child_programme_count"],r["category"]["child_episode_count"])
  123. content.append((title,self.name+"::"+data+"/programmes?rights=mobile&page=1&per_page=40&sort=recent&sort_direction=asc&initial_child_count=1&availability=available",self.img,title))
  124. title = "%s - a-z (%s programmes, %s episodes)"%(r["category"]["title"],r["category"]["child_programme_count"],r["category"]["child_episode_count"])
  125. content.append((title,self.name+"::"+data+"/programmes?rights=mobile&page=1&per_page=40&sort=title&sort_direction=asc&initial_child_count=1&availability=available",self.img,title))
  126. return content
  127. ### Program/episodes list ###
  128. elif re.search("categories/([\w\-]+)/(highlights|programmes).+",data) or\
  129. re.search("programmes/(\w+)/episodes.+",data) or\
  130. re.search("groups/(\w+)/episodes.+",data) or\
  131. re.search("atoz/([\w]+)/programmes.+",data) or\
  132. re.search("channels/(\w+)/schedule/[\d\-].+",data) or\
  133. re.search("channels/(\w+)/programmes.+",data) or\
  134. re.search("channels/(\w+)/highlights.+",data) or\
  135. data == "home/highlights":
  136. r = self.call(data)
  137. lst = r["category_highlights"] if "category_highlights" in r else\
  138. r["category_programmes"] if "category_programmes" in r else\
  139. r["programme_episodes"] if "programme_episodes" in r else\
  140. r["atoz_programmes"] if "atoz_programmes" in r else\
  141. r["group_episodes"] if "group_episodes" in r else\
  142. r["schedule"] if "schedule" in r else\
  143. r["channel_highlights"] if "channel_highlights" in r else\
  144. r["channel_programmes"] if "channel_programmes" in r else\
  145. r["home_highlights"] if "home_highlights" in r else\
  146. []
  147. if not lst:
  148. return content
  149. for el in lst["elements"]:
  150. if el["type"] == "broadcast":
  151. if not len(el["episode"]["versions"]):continue
  152. title,data2,img,desc = self.get_data_element(el["episode"])
  153. t1 = gt(el['scheduled_start'])
  154. t2 = gt(el['scheduled_end'])
  155. title = "[%s-%s]%s"%(t1.strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M"),t2.strftime("%H:%M"),title)
  156. else:
  157. title,data2,img,desc = self.get_data_element(el)
  158. content.append((title,self.name+"::"+data2,img,desc))
  159. if "&page=" in data and lst["page"]*lst["per_page"]<lst["count"]:
  160. data2 = re.sub("&page=\d+","&page=%s"%(lst["page"]+1),data)
  161. content.append(("Next page",self.name+"::"+data2,self.img,"Next page"))
  162. return content
  163. ### A-z root ###
  164. elif data=="a-z":
  165. url = "http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/a-z/by/x/all.json?page=1"
  166. r = self._http_request(url)
  167. if not r:
  168. raise Exception("Can not read %s"%s)
  169. js = json.loads(r)
  170. for ch in js["atoz"]["letters"]:
  171. title = ch.upper()
  172. desc = "Programmes beginning with %s"%title
  173. img = self.img
  174. data2 = "atoz/%s/programmes?rights=mobile&page=1&per_page=40&initial_child_count=1&sort=title&sort_direction=asc&availability=available"%ch
  175. content.append((title,self.name+"::"+data2,img,desc))
  176. return content
  177. ### Channels home ###
  178. elif data=="channels":
  179. for ch in self.get_channels():
  180. title = ch["title"]
  181. img = self.logos[ch["id"]] if ch["id"] in self.logos else "http://static.bbci.co.uk/mobileiplayerappbranding/1.9/android/images/channels/tv-guide-wide-logo/layout_normal/xxhdpi/%s_tv-guide-wide-logo.png"%ch["id"]
  182. desc = title
  183. data2 = "channels/%s"%ch["id"]
  184. #ee = self.get_epg_live(ch["id"])
  185. desc = title
  186. content.append((title,self.name+"::"+data2,img,desc))
  187. return content
  188. ### Channel higlihts/progrmmes/days ###
  189. elif clist=="channels" and len(data.split("/"))==2:
  190. r = self.call(data)
  191. chid = data.split("/")[1]
  192. ch = self.get_channel_by_id(chid)
  193. # Highlights
  194. title = ch["title"] + " - highlights"
  195. img = "http://static.bbci.co.uk/mobileiplayerappbranding/1.9/android/images/channels/tv-guide-wide-logo/layout_normal/xxhdpi/%s_tv-guide-wide-logo.png"%ch["id"]
  196. data2 = "channels/%s/highlights?lang=en&rights=mobile&availability=available"%ch["id"]
  197. desc = title
  198. content.append((title,self.name+"::"+data2,img,desc))
  199. #AtoZ
  200. title = ch["title"] + " - programmes AtoZ"
  201. data2 = "channels/%s/programmes?rights=mobile&page=1&per_page=40&sort=recent&sort_direction=asc&initial_child_count=1&availability=available"%ch["id"]
  202. desc = title
  203. content.append((title,self.name+"::"+data2,img,desc))
  204. day0 = datetime.date.today()
  205. for i in range(10):
  206. day = day0-datetime.timedelta(days=i)
  207. days = day.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
  208. title = ch["title"] + " - " + days
  209. img = "http://static.bbci.co.uk/mobileiplayerappbranding/1.9/android/images/channels/tv-guide-wide-logo/layout_normal/xxhdpi/%s_tv-guide-wide-logo.png"%ch["id"]
  210. data2 = "channels/%s/schedule/%s?availability=available"%(ch["id"],days)
  211. #ee = self.get_epg_live(ch["id"])
  212. desc = title
  213. content.append((title,self.name+"::"+data2,img,desc))
  214. return content
  215. def get_streams(self, data):
  216. print "[iplayer] get_streams:", data
  217. if "::" in data: data = data.split("::")[1]
  218. if not self.is_video(data):
  219. return []
  220. cmd = data.split("/")
  221. vid = cmd[1].split("?")[0]
  222. if cmd[0] == "live":
  223. title,img,desc,nfo = self.get_epg_live(vid)
  224. else:
  225. #data_ = "episodes/%s"%vid
  226. #r = self.call(data_)
  227. title,img,desc,vid,nfo = self.get_epg_video(vid)
  228. url = "http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/format/json/mediaset/iptv-all/vpid/%s"%vid
  229. print "vid=%s"%vid
  230. print url
  231. r = self._http_request(url) #,headers=self.headers2
  232. if not r:
  233. raise Exception("No streams found")
  234. js = json.loads(r)
  235. if "result" in js and js["result"]=="geolocation":
  236. raise Exception("BBC iPlayer service available only from UK")
  237. if not "media" in js:
  238. raise Exception("No streams found")
  239. streams = []
  240. captions = []
  241. for s in js["media"]:
  242. if s["kind"] == "captions":
  243. if s["connection"][0]["href"]:
  244. sub = {}
  245. sub["url"] = s["connection"][0]["href"].encode('utf8')
  246. sub["type"] = s["type"]
  247. sub["name"] = s["service"] if "service" in s else "captions (taff)"
  248. sub["lang"] = "en"
  249. captions.append(sub)
  250. if s["kind"] <> "video":
  251. continue
  252. for c in s["connection"]:
  253. if c["transferFormat"] <> "hls": continue
  254. #if not (c["supplier"].startswith("mf_") or c["supplier"].startswith("ll_")) : continue # TODO ir kaut kādas VPN problēmas ar akamaihd
  255. #if c["priority"] <> "1": continue
  256. url=c["href"].encode("utf8")
  257. #print url.split("/")[2]
  258. r2 = self._http_request(url)
  259. if not r2:
  260. continue
  261. slist = re.findall("#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:([^\n]+)\n([^\n]+)", r2, re.DOTALL)
  262. if not slist:
  263. stream = util.item()
  264. stream["url"]=url
  265. stream["name"]=title
  266. stream["desc"]=desc
  267. stream["img"]=img
  268. stream["type"]="hls"
  269. stream["quality"]=("%s %sx%s %s,%s"%(s["bitrate"],s["width"],s["height"],c["supplier"],c["priority"])).encode("utf8")
  270. stream["lang"]="en"
  271. stream["subs"]=captions
  272. stream["order"]=int(s["bitrate"])
  273. stream["nfo"] = nfo
  274. #print url.split("/")[2]
  275. streams.append(stream)
  276. else:
  277. for cc in slist:
  278. m = re.search("RESOLUTION=([\dx]+)",cc[0])
  279. resolution = m.group(1) if m else "%sx%s"%(s["width"],s["height"])
  280. m = re.search("BANDWIDTH=([\d]+)",cc[0])
  281. bitrate = m.group(1) if m else s["bitrate"]
  282. url2 = cc[1].encode("utf8")
  283. if not url2.startswith("http"):
  284. uu = url.split("/")[:-1]
  285. uu.append(url2)
  286. url2 = "/".join(uu)
  287. #print url.split("/")[2]
  288. stream = util.item()
  289. stream["url"]=url2
  290. stream["name"]=title
  291. stream["desc"]=desc
  292. stream["img"]=img
  293. stream["type"]="hls"
  294. stream["quality"]=("%s %s %s,%s"%(bitrate,resolution,c["supplier"],c["priority"])).encode("utf8")
  295. stream["lang"]="en"
  296. stream["subs"]=captions
  297. stream["order"]=int(bitrate)
  298. stream["nfo"] = nfo
  299. streams.append(stream)
  300. if captions:
  301. for s in streams:
  302. s["subs"]=captions
  303. streams = sorted(streams,key=lambda item: item["order"],reverse=True)
  304. return streams
  305. def is_video(self,data):
  306. if "::" in data:
  307. data = data.split("::")[1]
  308. cmd = data.split("/")
  309. if cmd[0]=="live" and len(cmd)==2:
  310. return True
  311. elif cmd[0]=="episodes" and len(cmd)==2:
  312. return True
  313. else:
  314. return False
  315. def get_data_element(self,item):
  316. if ("programme" in item["type"] or "group" in item["type"]) and item["count"]>1:
  317. ep = item.copy()
  318. elif ("programme" in item["type"] or "group" in item["type"]) and item["count"]==1:
  319. ep = item["initial_children"][0].copy()
  320. elif item["type"] == "episode":
  321. ep = item.copy()
  322. elif item["type"] == "broadcast":
  323. ep = item["episode"].copy()
  324. else:
  325. ep = item.copy()
  326. title = ep["title"]
  327. if "subtitle" in ep and ep["subtitle"]:
  328. title = title+". "+ ep["subtitle"]
  329. desc = ep["synopses"]["large"] if "large" in ep["synopses"] else ep["synopses"]["medium"] if "medium" in ep["synopses"] else ep["synopses"]["small"]
  330. #TODO papildus info pie apraksta
  331. img = ep["images"]["standard"].replace("{recipe}","512x288") if "images" in ep else self.img
  332. if ep["type"] == "episode":
  333. data2 = "episodes/%s"%ep["id"]
  334. elif "programme" in ep["type"]:
  335. data2 = "programmes/%s/episodes?per_page=40&page=1"%ep["id"]
  336. title = "%s [%s episodes]"%(title,ep["count"])
  337. elif "group" in ep["type"]:
  338. data2 = "groups/%s/episodes?per_page=40&page=1"%ep["id"]
  339. title = "%s [%s episodes]"%(title,ep["count"])
  340. else:
  341. data2 = "programmes/%s/episodes?per_page=40&page=1"%ep["id"]
  342. title = "%s [%s episodes]"%(title,ep["count"])
  343. return title,data2,img,desc
  344. def get_epg_video(self,vid):
  345. data = "episodes/%s"%vid
  346. nfo = {}
  347. r = self.call(data)
  348. if "episodes" in r :
  349. ep = r["episodes"][0]
  350. title = ep["title"]
  351. if "subtitle" in ep:
  352. title = title +". "+ ep["subtitle"]
  353. title = title
  354. desc = ep["synopses"]["medium"] if "medium" in ep["synopses"] else p["synopses"]["small"] if "small" in ep["synopses"] else title
  355. desc = desc
  356. ver = ep["versions"][0]
  357. vid = ver["id"]
  358. remaining = ver["availability"]["end"].split("T")[0] #["remaining"]["text"]
  359. duration = ver["duration"]["text"]
  360. first_broadcast = ver["first_broadcast"]
  361. desc =u"%s\n%s\%s\n%s\n%s"%(title,duration,remaining,first_broadcast,desc)
  362. img = ep["images"]["standard"].replace("{recipe}","512x288")
  363. #Create nfo dictionary
  364. tt = lambda dd,k,d: dd[k] if k in dd else d
  365. nfo_type = "movie" if True else "tvswhow" # TODO
  366. t = OrderedDict()
  367. t["title"] = title
  368. t["originaltitle"] = tt(ep,"original_title","")
  369. t["thumb"] = img
  370. t["id"] = vid
  371. t["outline"] = ep["synopses"]["small"] if "small" in ep["synopses"] else ep["synopses"]["editorial"] if "editorial" in ep["synopses"] else ""
  372. t["plot"] = ep["synopses"]["large"] if "large" in ep["synopses"] else ep["synopses"]["medium"] if "medium" in ep["synopses"] else p["synopses"]["small"] if "small" in ep["synopses"] else title
  373. t["tagline"] = ep["synopses"]["editorial"] if "editorial" in ep["synopses"] else ""
  374. t["runtime"] = tt(ver["duration"],"text","")
  375. t["premiered"] = tt(ep,"release_date","")
  376. t["aired"] = ver["availability"]["start"].split("T")[0] if "start" in ver["availability"] else ""
  377. if "parent_position" in ep: t["episode"] = ep["parent_position"]
  378. nfo[nfo_type] = t
  379. return title.encode("utf8"),img.encode("utf8"),desc.encode("utf8"),vid.encode("utf8"),nfo
  380. else:
  381. raise Exception("No video info")
  382. def get_epg_live(self,channelid):
  383. data = "channels/%s/highlights?live=true"%channelid
  384. r = self.call(data)
  385. nfo = {}
  386. if "channel_highlights" in r and r["channel_highlights"]["elements"][0]["id"] == "live":
  387. epg = r["channel_highlights"]["elements"][0]["initial_children"][0].copy()
  388. t1 = gt(epg['scheduled_start'])
  389. t2 = gt(epg['scheduled_end'])
  390. ep = epg["episode"]
  391. title = ep["title"]
  392. if "subtitle" in ep:
  393. title = title +". "+ ep["subtitle"]
  394. title = "%s (%s-%s)"%(title,t1.strftime("%H:%M"),t2.strftime("%H:%M"))
  395. title = title
  396. desc = ep["synopses"]["medium"] if "medium" in ep["synopses"] else p["synopses"]["small"] if "small" in ep["synopses"] else title
  397. desc = desc
  398. desc ="%s\n%s"%(title,desc)
  399. img = ep["images"]["standard"].replace("{recipe}","512x288")
  400. #return title,img,desc
  401. else:
  402. title = r["channel_highlights"]["channel"]["title"]
  403. img = ""
  404. desc = title
  405. return title.encode("utf8"),img.encode("utf8"),desc.encode("utf8"),nfo
  406. def get_channels(self):
  407. if self.ch:
  408. return self.ch
  409. r= self.call("channels")
  410. self.ch=[]
  411. for i,item in enumerate(r["channels"]):
  412. self.ch.append(item)
  413. self.ch_id[item["id"]]=i
  414. self.ch_id2[item["master_brand_id"]]=i
  415. self.ch_name[item["title"]]=i
  416. return self.ch
  417. def get_channel_by_id(self,chid):
  418. if not self.ch:
  419. self.get_channels()
  420. if not self.ch:
  421. return None
  422. return self.ch[self.ch_id[chid]] if self.ch_id.has_key(chid) else None
  423. def get_channel_by_id2(self,chid):
  424. if not self.ch:
  425. self.get_channels()
  426. if not self.ch:
  427. return None
  428. return self.ch[self.ch_id2[chid]] if self.ch_id2.has_key(chid) else None
  429. def get_channel_by_name(self,name):
  430. if not self.ch:
  431. self.get_channels()
  432. ch2 = self.get_channel_by_name2(name)
  433. if not ch2:
  434. return None
  435. ch = self.get_channel_by_id2(ch2["id2"])
  436. return ch
  437. def call(self, data,params = None, headers=None):
  438. if not headers: headers = self.headers
  439. #if not lang: lang = self.country
  440. url = self.api_url + data
  441. content = self._http_request(url,params, headers)
  442. if content:
  443. try:
  444. result = json.loads(content)
  445. return result
  446. except Exception, ex:
  447. return None
  448. else:
  449. return None
  450. def call2(self, data,params = None, headers=None):
  451. if not headers: headers = self.headers2
  452. #if not lang: lang = self.country
  453. url = self.api_url2 + data
  454. content = self._http_request(url,params, headers)
  455. return content
  456. def _http_request(self, url,params = None, headers=None):
  457. if not headers: headers = self.headers
  458. import requests
  459. try:
  460. from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
  461. requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning)
  462. except:
  463. pass
  464. try:
  465. r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
  466. return r.content
  467. except Exception as ex:
  468. if "code" in dir(ex) and ex.code==403:
  469. return ex.read()
  470. else:
  471. return None
  472. def gt(dt_str):
  473. dt, _, us= dt_str.partition(".")
  474. dt= datetime.datetime.strptime(dt, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
  475. dt = dt - datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.altzone)
  476. #us= int(us.rstrip("Z"), 10)
  477. #r = dt + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=us)a
  478. return dt
  479. if __name__ == "__main__":
  480. c = Source()
  481. from subprocess import call
  482. #ch = c.get_channels()
  483. #c.get_epg_live("bbc_two_england")
  484. if len(sys.argv)>1 and not "iplayer::" in sys.argv[1]:
  485. vid = sys.argv[1]
  486. print "login - %s"%c.login("ivars777","xxx")
  487. vid = "1069"
  488. vid = "1462566072086"
  489. channelid="101"
  490. vid = "1350462656767"
  491. #data = c.get_stream_url(vid,"vod")
  492. #call([r"c:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe",data["stream"]])
  493. pass
  494. else:
  495. if len(sys.argv)>1:
  496. data= sys.argv[1]
  497. else:
  498. data = "iplayer::home"
  499. content = c.get_content(data)
  500. for item in content:
  501. print item
  502. #cat = api.get_categories(country)
  503. #chan = api.get_channels("lv")
  504. #prog = api.get_programs(channel=6400)
  505. #prog = api.get_programs(category=55)
  506. #seas = api.get_seasons(program=6453)
  507. #str = api.get_streams(660243)
  508. #res = api.get_videos(802)
  509. #formats = api.getAllFormats()
  510. #det = api.detailed("1516")
  511. #vid = api.getVideos("13170")
  512. pass