', r2, re.DOTALL) desc0 = util.unescape(m.group(1)) if m else "" m = re.search('#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf8 # # This file is part of PlayStream - enigma2 plugin to play video streams from various sources # Copyright (c) 2016 ivars777 (ivars777@gmail.com) # Distributed under the GNU GPL v3. For full terms see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html # try: import json except: import simplejson as json import urllib2, urllib import datetime, re, sys,os import ConfigParser from SourceBase import SourceBase import base64 from collections import OrderedDict import sys import ssl if "_create_unverified_context" in dir(ssl): ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context try: import util except: sys.path.insert(0,'..') import util headers2dict = lambda h: dict([l.strip().split(": ") for l in h.strip().splitlines()]) class Source(SourceBase): def __init__(self,country="",cfg_path=None): self.name = "filmix" self.title = "filmix.me" self.img = "http://cs5324.vk.me/g33668783/a_903fcc63.jpg" self.desc = "filmix.me satura skatīšanās" self.country=country self.headers = headers2dict(""" Host: filmix.me User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:46.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/46.0 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5 """) self.headers2 = headers2dict(""" User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:46.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/46.0 X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 """) self.url = "https://filmix.me/" #self.login() def login(self,user="",password=""): return True def get_content(self, data): print "[filmix] get_content:", data source, data, path, plist, clist, params, qs = self.parse_data(data) content=[] content.append(("..return", "back","","Return back")) if clist=="home": content.extend([ ("Search", "filmix::search/{0}","","Search"), ("Movies", "filmix::movies","","Movies"), ("Series", "filmix::series","","TV Series"), ("Cartoons", "filmix::cartoons","","Cartoons"), ]) return content #elif clist=="search": # TODO #return content elif data in ("movies","series","cartoons"): r = self.call("") r = r.decode("cp1251").encode("utf8") if data == "movies": sname = "Фильмы" elif data=="series": sname = "Сериалы" else: sname = "Мультфильмы" #
m = re.search(' (.+?)]+>([^<]+)<', r, re.DOTALL)
desc = desc0 = util.unescape(m.group(1).strip()) if m else ""
vid = plist[-1]
m = re.search(r"meta_key = \['(\w+)', '(\w+)', '(\w+)'\]", r, re.IGNORECASE)
key = m.group(3) if m else ""
js = self.get_movie_info(vid,key)
translations = js["message"]["translations"]["flash"]
for pl in translations:
if translations[pl].startswith("http"):
pl_link = translations[pl]
lang = pl.encode("utf8")
raise Exception("No episodes list found!")
#pl_link = js["message"]["translations"]["flash"].values()[0]
# TODO process several players, currently taking the first
if not pl_link.startswith("http"):
pl_link = self.decode_uppod_text(pl_link)
js = self._http_request(pl_link)
js = self.decode_uppod_text(js)
js = json.loads(js)
if "s" in qs:
s = int(qs["s"])
for i,ep in enumerate(js["playlist"][s-1]["playlist"]):
title = title0+" - "+js["playlist"][s-1]["playlist"][i]["comment"].encode("utf8")
serie = js["playlist"][s-1]["playlist"][i]["comment"].encode("utf8")
data2 = data+"&e=%s"%(i+1)
desc = serie +"\n"+desc0
for i,ep in enumerate(js["playlist"]):
title = title0 +" - "+js["playlist"][i]["comment"].encode("utf8")
serie = js["playlist"][i]["comment"].encode("utf8")
if "file" in ep and ep["file"]:
data2 = data+"?e=%s"%(i+1)
data2 = data+"?s=%s"%(i+1)
desc = serie +"\n"+desc0
return content
#r = self._http_request(url)
### saraksts ###
r = self.call(data)
r = r.decode("cp1251").encode("utf8")
for r2 in re.findall(' ([^<]+)