Enigma2 plugin to dowload and create channels picons files form lyngsat.com

get_picons.txt 1.3KB

  1. Dowload and create Enigma2 channels' picons files form lyngsat.com
  2. You can run it both from Dreambox or computer
  3. ipk install file is provided, which install python script in Extensions folder as well as shell scipt in /user/script folder.
  4. Windows exe file is provided too.
  5. Prerequisites:
  6. - Python 2.x
  7. - Python libraries- Imaging (PIL) (usually part of standart python)
  8. Usage [options]
  9. Options:
  10. -p PACKAGE_LIST, --package=PACKAGE_LIST list of package names (html file name in lyngsat),
  11. e.g "viasat,ntvplus36"
  12. -s SAT_LIST, --sat=SAT_LIST list of sattelite positions, e.g. "4.9,-0.8"
  13. -f PATH, --folder PATH picon files output folder (piconHD added), default - "/hdd"
  14. -e PATH, --enigma PATH enigma2 folder whera lamedb,settings are located, default - "/etc/enigma2"
  15. you can use urls, e.g. "ftp://root@receiver_address/etc/enigma2"
  16. -d, -debug display work progress an d write debug info to file for not found services
  17. -h, --help this help file
  18. (c)Ivars 2013, v0.2
  20. *** 13.10.2013, version 0.2 ***
  21. - html parsing is done wit regex instead of BeautifulSoup
  22. - initial public release