123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613 |
- # coding: utf-8
- #
- # This file is part of GetPicons - enigma2 plugin to download picons from lyngsat.com
- # Copyright (c) 2016 ivars777 (ivars777@gmail.com)
- # Distributed under the GNU GPL v3. For full terms see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html
- """
- Dowload and create Enigma2 channels' picons files form lyngsat.com
- Usage [options]
- Options:
- -p PACKAGE_LIST, --package=PACKAGE_LIST list of package names (html file name in lyngsat),
- e.g "viasat,ntvplus36"
- -s SAT_LIST, --sat=SAT_LIST list of sattelite positions, e.g. "4.9,-0.8"
- -z SIZE icon size, e.g. "100x60", default - "220x132"
- -f PATH, --folder PATH picon files output folder, default - "/media/hdd/picon"
- -e PATH, --enigma PATH enigma2 folder whera lamedb,settings are located, default - "/etc/enigma2"
- you can use urls, e.g. "ftp://root@receiver_address/etc/enigma2"
- -b COLOR_CODE, --background=COLOR_CODE background color code in hex format(HHHHHHHHH), last pair - opacity level
- default - FFFFFF20 (almost transparent white)
- -l, --simple simple, low resolution image with white background
- -o, --overwrite overwrite existing picons file (default - no)
- -d, --debug display work progress and write debug info to file for not found services
- -h, --help this help file
- (c)Ivars777 (ivars777@gmail.com) 2013-2015, v0.2
- """
- import sys, os, os.path, getopt, traceback
- import re
- import urllib2
- import requests
- try:
- from PIL import Image
- except:
- import Image
- from StringIO import StringIO
- import logging
- options = args = None
- _sd= lambda x,d: d if x is None else x # set default value
- _sl= lambda x: False if x is None else True # set True of False for option
- hex2rgb = lambda c: tuple(int(c[i:i+2], 16) for i in xrange(0,len(c),2))
- def parse_arguments(argv,opt_short,opt_long):
- "Parse command line arguments"
- try:
- options, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(argv, opt_short,opt_long)
- options = Rec(dict([(o[0].replace("-",""),o[1]) for o in options]))
- except getopt.GetoptError, err:
- print err.msg
- print __doc__
- sys.exit(2)
- if options.has_key("h") or options.has_key("help"):
- print __doc__
- sys.exit(2)
- return options,args
- services = None
- def main(argv):
- global options, args, services
- # Parsing options
- opt_short = 'p:s:z:f:e:b:lodh'
- opt_long = ["package=","sat=","size=","folder=","enigma=","background=","simple","overwrite","debug","help"]
- options,args = parse_arguments(argv[1:], opt_short, opt_long)
- options.package = _sd(options.package,_sd(options.p,""))
- options.sat = _sd(options.sat,_sd(options.s,""))
- options.enigma = _sd(options.enigma,_sd(options.e,"/etc/enigma2"))
- options.folder = _sd(options.folder,_sd(options.f,"/media/hdd/picon"))
- options.size = _sd(options.size,_sd(options.z,"220x132"))
- options.simple = _sl(_sd(options.simple, options.l))
- options.background = _sd(options.background, _sd(options.b, "FFFFFFFF"))
- options.overwrite = _sl(_sd(options.overwrite,options.o))
- options.debug = _sl(_sd(options.debug,options.d))
- options.w,options.h = map(int,options.size.split("x"))
- options.background = hex2rgb(options.background.lstrip("#"))
- if not os.path.exists(options.folder):
- os.makedirs(options.folder)
- if options.debug:
- #filename="get_picons.log" if not os.name == "posix" else "/var/log/get_picons.log"
- filename = os.path.join(options.folder,"get_picons.log")
- FORMAT = "%(asctime)-15s %(message)s"
- logging.basicConfig(filename=filename, format=FORMAT,level=logging.ERROR)
- print "** Analyzing lamedb"
- services = DBServices(options.enigma)
- if options.sat:
- package_list = []
- for sat in options.sat.split(","):
- package_list.extend(get_packages(sat))
- elif options.package:
- package_list = options.package.split(",")
- else: # get sattelite list from Enigma settings
- sat_list = []
- package_list = []
- if not "ftp:" in options.enigma:
- fname = os.path.join(options.enigma,"settings")
- f = open(fname)
- else:
- sep = "" if options.enigma[-1]=="//" else "//"
- fname = options.enigma + sep + "settings"
- f = urllib2.urlopen(fname)
- for line in f:
- if not "config.Nims.0.advanced.sat." in line: continue
- sat_list.append(line.split(".")[5])
- for sat in sat_list:
- package_list.extend(get_packages(sat))
- for package in package_list:
- create_picons(package)
- def create_picons(package):
- "Create picons files for package"
- global services,options
- url_package = "https://www.lyngsat.com/packages/%s.html"%package
- if options.debug:
- print "** Downloading and looking %s for picons"%url_package
- num_picons = 0
- num_skipped = 0
- num = 0
- try:
- #soup = html = urllib2.urlopen(url_package).read().decode("latin1")
- soup = html = get_page(url_package).decode("latin1")
- except:
- raise Exception("Package page '%s' does not found"%url_package)
- title = re.search("<title>(.+?)</title>", soup, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).group(1)
- pos = re.search("\d+\.\d+",title).group().replace(".","")
- ew = re.search("\xb0.",title).group()[1]
- ns = int(pos)
- if ew == "W":
- ns = 3600 - ns
- if ns==48: ns=49
- if ns==359: ns=360
- #pos = "%04x0000"%ns
- #pos_num = int(pos[0:4],16)
- title2 = title[0:title.index("- LyngSat")]
- print "** %s: "%title2.replace(u'\xb0',""),
- tables = re.findall(r"<table width=720 border cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>\s*(?:(?=<tr>))(.+?)</table>", soup, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE)
- for table in tables:
- tr= html_findall("tr",table)
- for i in range(2,len(tr)-1):
- td= html_findall("td",tr[i])
- if len(td) == 10:
- freq,polar = re.search(r"<b>(\d+) ([HVLR])", tr[i], re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).groups()
- freq = int(freq)
- p_value = {"H":0,"V":1,"L":2,"R":3}
- polar = p_value[polar]
- b=1
- else:
- b=0
- icon_url = html_attr("src",td[b])
- if icon_url:
- # https://www.lyngsat.com/logo/tv/vv/viasat_history.png
- # https://www.lyngsat-logo.com/hires/vv/viasat_history.png
- icon_url_hr = "https://www.lyngsat-logo.com" + icon_url.group(1).replace("/logo/tv", "/hires")
- icon_url_lr = "https://www.lyngsat.com" + icon_url.group(1)
- else:
- icon_url = ""
- name = html_text(td[b+1]).group(1)
- sid = html_text(td[b+5])
- sid = sid.group(1).replace(" ","") if sid else ""
- sid = int(sid) if sid and not sid == u"-" else ""
- vpid = html_text(td[b+6])
- vpid = vpid.group(1).replace(" ","") if vpid else ""
- #try:
- # vpid = int(vpid)
- #except Exception:
- # vpid = None
- #vpid = int(vpid) if vpid and not vpid == u"-" else None
- if not sid or not vpid or icon_url=="":
- continue
- if options.debug:
- print " package:%i/%s: service:%s "%(ns,package, name.encode("ascii","replace")),
- num += 1
- sref = find_sref(ns,freq,polar,sid)
- if not sref:
- sref = find_sref(ns,freq+1,polar,sid)
- if not sref:
- sref = find_sref(ns,freq-1,polar,sid)
- if not sref:
- sref = find_sref(ns, freq, polar-2, sid)
- if not sref:
- if options.debug:
- print " -- NOK (no sref in lamedb!)"
- logging.error(u" no sref - package:%i/%s: service:%s pos:%s/%s freq:%i polar:%s sid:%i/%x"%(ns,package, name,ns, pos_int2str(ns),freq,polar,sid,sid))
- continue
- fname = sref.replace(":","_")
- fname = fname[:-1]+".png"
- fname = os.path.join(options.folder, fname)
- if os.path.exists(fname) and not options.overwrite:
- if options.debug: print " -- skipped"
- num_skipped += 1
- continue
- if options.simple:
- data = get_page(icon_url_lr)
- hires = False
- else:
- data = get_page(icon_url_hr)
- hires = True
- if not data: # in not hires image available use lowres image
- data = get_page(icon_url_lr)
- hires = False
- if not data:
- if options.debug: print " -- NOK (no picon image)"
- continue
- try:
- im = Image.open(StringIO(data))
- im.thumbnail((options.w,options.h), Image.ANTIALIAS)
- if hires:
- im2 = Image.new("RGBA",(options.w,options.h),options.background)
- #im2 = Image.new("RGBA",(options.w,options.h),(255,255,255,128))
- width, height = im.size
- x0 = (options.w-width)/2
- y0 = (options.h-height)/2
- if im.mode <> "RGBA":
- im = im.convert("RGBA")
- im2.paste(im,(x0,y0),im)
- else:
- im2 = im
- #im2 = im2.convert('P', palette=Image.ADAPTIVE)
- except Exception as e:
- print e.message
- traceback.print_exc()
- im2 = None
- if not im2:
- if options.debug: print " -- NOK (no picon image)"
- continue
- if options.debug: print " -- downloaded"
- im2.save(fname,"png")
- del im2,im
- num_picons += 1
- print "%i picons created, %i skipped"%(num_picons,num_skipped)
- def get_packages(sat):
- "Get packages list (names) for sattelite from lyngsat.com page"
- global options
- sat= sat.replace(".","")
- num = int(sat)
- if num>1800: num = num - 3600
- if num>0 and num<730: soup = get_soup("europe")
- elif num>730 and num<1600: soup = get_soup("asia")
- elif num<0 and num>-610: soup = get_soup("atlantic")
- elif num<-610 and num>-1600: soup = get_soup("america")
- else:
- return []
- i1,i2 = gr=re.search(r"<table cellspacing=0 border>\s*(?:(?=<tr>))(.+?)</table>", soup, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).span()
- packages = []
- for s in re.findall("<tr>(.+?)</tr>", soup[i1:i2], re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE):
- gr = re.search(r"(\d+.)</font><font size=1>(\d).+#176;([EW])", s,re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).groups()
- pos = int("".join(gr[:-1]).replace(".",""))
- if gr[2] == "W": pos = -pos
- if abs(num - pos) <=2:
- package = re.search(r"www\.lyngsat\.com/packages/(\w.+?)\.html", s, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).group(1)
- packages.append(package)
- return packages
- soups = {}
- def get_soup(region):
- if soups.has_key(region):
- return soups[region]
- url = "http://www.lyngsat.com/packages/%s.html"%region
- if options.debug:
- print "** Downloading and looking %s for packages"%url
- try:
- #html = urllib2.urlopen(url).read().decode("latin1")
- html = get_page(url).decode("latin1")
- except:
- raise Exception("Packege page '%s' does not found"%url)
- soups[region] = html
- return soups[region]
- def find_sref(ns,freq,polar,sid):
- "Find service reference according to given parameters"
- global services
- tp = services.get_transp_by_pic((ns,freq,polar))
- if tp:
- serv = services.get_service_by_chid((sid,tp["tsid"],tp["onid"]))
- if serv:
- return serv["sref"]
- class DBServices(object):
- """Dreambox services, stored in lamedb (E2)/services(E1) file handling class"""
- def __init__(self,service_path,enigma=2):
- self.enigma = enigma
- self.service_path = service_path
- if self.enigma == 2:
- if not "ftp:" in service_path:
- self.service_fname= os.path.join(service_path,"lamedb")
- self.bouquets_fname = os.path.join(service_path, "bouquets.tv")
- else:
- sep = "" if service_path[-1]=="//" else "//"
- self.service_fname= service_path+sep+"lamedb"
- self.bouquets_fname = service_path+sep+"bouquets.tv"
- else: # ENIGMA === "1":
- self.service_fname = os.path.join(service_path,"services")
- self.bouquets_fname = os.path.join(service_path, "userbouquets.tv.epl")
- self.services = []
- self.index_sref= {}
- self.index_chid = {}
- self.index_name = {}
- self.index_provider = {}
- self.bouquets = []
- self.bouquets_services = {}
- self.transp = []
- self.tp_index_tpid = {}
- self.tp_index_pic ={}
- self._load_services()
- #self._load_bouquets()
- def _load_services(self):
- #tpref - lamedb/transponders
- # s FREQ:SR:POLAR:FREC:49:2:0
- # X X X
- # D D D D
- # lref - lamedb/services
- # SID:NS:TSID:ONID:STYPE:UNUSED(channelnumber in enigma1)
- # 0 1 2 3 4 5
- # X X X X D D
- # wref bouquets/picon
- # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- # D D X X X X X X X X
- f_services = open(self.service_fname,"r") if not self.service_fname[0:4] == "ftp:" else urllib2.urlopen(self.service_fname)
- line = f_services.readline()
- if not "eDVB services" in line:
- raise Exception("no correct lamedb file")
- line = f_services.readline()
- # Read transponders
- i = 0
- while True:
- line = f_services.readline()
- if "end" in line: break
- #tp = record.Rec()
- tp = {}
- ff = line.strip().split(":")
- tp["ns"] = ns = pos_str2int(ff[0])
- tp["tsid"] = tsid = int(ff[1],16)
- tp["onid"] = onid = int(ff[2],16)
- line = f_services.readline()
- tp["params"] = params = line.strip().split(" ")[1]
- ff = params.split(":")
- tp["freq"] = freq = int(ff[0][:-3])
- tp["polar"] = polar = int(ff[2])
- tp["tpid"] = tpid = (ns,tsid,onid)
- self.transp.append(tp)
- self.tp_index_tpid[tpid] = i
- self.tp_index_pic[(ns,freq,polar)] = i
- line = f_services.readline()
- i += 1
- # Reading services
- i= 0
- line = f_services.readline()
- while True:
- line = f_services.readline()
- if line[0:3] == "end": break
- if not line: break
- #rec = record.Rec()
- rec = {}
- rec["lref"] = line.lower().strip().decode("utf-8")
- line = f_services.readline()
- #line = line.replace('\xc2\x87', '').replace('\xc2\x86', '')
- #line = decode_charset(line)
- line = line.decode("utf-8")
- rec["name"] = line.strip()
- line = f_services.readline()
- pl = line.split(",")
- provider = ""
- for p in pl:
- if p[0:2] == "p:":
- provider = p[2:].strip()
- break
- if provider == "":
- provider = "unknown"
- rec["provider"] = provider.decode("utf-8")
- rec["sref"] = lref2sref(rec["lref"])
- r = lref_parse(rec["lref"])
- rec["stype"] = r["stype"]
- rec["chid"] = (r["sid"],r["tsid"],r["onid"])
- self.services.append(rec)
- self.index_sref[rec["sref"]] = i
- self.index_chid[rec["chid"]] = i
- name = rec["name"].lower()
- if not self.index_name.has_key(name): self.index_name[name] = []
- self.index_name[name].append(i)
- provider = rec["provider"].lower()
- if not self.index_provider.has_key(provider): self.index_provider[provider] = []
- self.index_provider[provider].append(i)
- i += 1
- f_services.close()
- def _load_bouquets(self):
- f_bouquets = open(self.bouquets_fname,"r") if not self.bouquets_fname[0:4] == "ftp:" else urllib2.urlopen(self.bouquets_fname)
- for line in f_bouquets.readlines():
- if line[0:9] == "#SERVICE:":
- if self.enigma==1:
- bn = line.strip().split("/")
- else:
- bn = line.strip().split(":")
- bfn = bn[-1]
- bf = open(os.path.join(self.service_path,bfn))
- for line2 in bf.readlines():
- if line2[0:5] == "#NAME":
- bname = line2.strip()[6:]
- self.bouquets.append(bname)
- self.bouquets_services[bname] = []
- elif line2[0:8] == "#SERVICE":
- sref = line2.strip()[9:]
- r = sref_parse(sref)
- if r["flags"] == 64: continue
- self.bouquets_services[bname].append(sref)
- bf.close()
- f_bouquets.close()
- def get_bouquets(self):
- if not self.bouquets:
- self._load_bouquets()
- return self.bouquets
- def get_bouquet_services(self,bn):
- if not self.bouquets:
- self._load_bouquets()
- return [self.get_service_by_sref(sref) for sref in self.bouquets_services[bn]]
- def get_service_by_sref(self,sref):
- return self.services[self.index_sref[sref]] if self.index_sref.has_key(sref) else None
- def get_service_by_chid(self,chid):
- return self.services[self.index_chid[chid]] if self.index_chid.has_key(chid) else None
- def get_service_by_name(self,name):
- return [self.services[i] for i in self.index_name[name]]
- def get_service_by_provider(self,provider):
- return [self.services[i] for i in self.index_provider[provider]]
- def get_transp_by_tpid(self,tpid):
- return self.transp[self.tp_index_tpid[tpid]] if self.tp_index_tpid.has_key(tpid) else None
- def get_transp_by_pic(self,picid):
- return self.transp[self.tp_index_pic[picid]] if self.tp_index_pic.has_key(picid) else None
- def decode_charset(s):
- u = None
- if isinstance(s,unicode):
- return s
- charset_list=('iso-8859-4','iso-8859-1','iso-8859-2''iso-8859-15')
- for charset in charset_list:
- try:
- u=unicode(s,charset,"strict")
- except:
- pass
- else:
- break
- if u == None:
- raise Error, "CHARSET ERROR while decoding lamedb. Aborting !"
- else:
- return(u)
- # lref - lamedb/services
- # SID:NS:TSID:ONID:STYPE:UNUSED(channelnumber in enigma1)
- # 0 1 2 3 4 5
- # X X X X D D
- #
- # wref bouquets/picon
- # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- # D D X X X X X X X X
- def lref2sref(s):
- "Converts service refefence from lamedb format to bouquets/picon (standard) format"
- f = s.split(":")
- sid = int(f[0],16)
- ns = int(f[1], 16)
- tsid = int(f[2],16)
- onid = int(f[3],16)
- stype = int(f[4])
- s2 = "1:0:%X:%X:%X:%X:%X:0:0:0:" % (stype,sid,tsid,onid,ns)
- return s2
- def lref_parse(s):
- "Parse lamedb/service string, return dictionary of items"
- f = s.split(":")
- r = {}
- r["sid"] = int(f[0],16)
- r["ns"] = int(f[1], 16)
- r["tsid"] = int(f[2],16)
- r["onid"] = int(f[3],16)
- r["stype"] = int(f[4])
- return r
- def sref2lref(s):
- "Converts service refefence from bouquets/picon (standard) format to lamedb format"
- f = s.split(":")
- reftype = int(f[0])
- flags = int(f[1])
- stype = int(f[2],16)
- sid = int(f[3],16)
- tsid = int(f[4],16)
- onid = int(f[5],16)
- ns = int(f[6],16)
- s2 = "%04x:%08x:%04x:%04x:%i:0" % (sid,ns,tsid,onid,stype)
- return s2
- def sref_parse(s):
- "Parse service refefence string , return dictionary of items"
- f = s.split(":")
- r = {}
- r["reftype"] = int(f[0])
- r["flags"] = int(f[1])
- r["stype"] = int(f[2],16)
- r["sid"] = int(f[3],16)
- r["tsid"] = int(f[4],16)
- r["onid"] = int(f[5],16)
- r["ns"] = int(f[6],16)
- return r
- pos_int2str = lambda pos_num: "%04x0000"%pos_num
- pos_str2int = lambda pos: int(pos[0:4],16)
- def decode_charset(s):
- u = None
- charset_list = ('utf-8','iso-8859-1','iso-8859-2','iso-8859-15')
- for charset in charset_list:
- try:
- u = unicode(s,charset,"strict")
- except:
- pass
- else:
- break
- if u == None:
- print("CHARSET ERROR while decoding string")
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- return(u)
- headers2dict = lambda h: dict([l.strip().split(": ") for l in h.strip().splitlines()])
- headers = headers2dict("""
- User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:49.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/49.0
- Referer: http://www.lyngsat.com/
- """)
- def get_page(url):
- r=requests.get(url,headers=headers)
- if r.status_code in (200,304):
- return r.content
- else:
- return ""
- html_text = lambda html: re.search(r">([^<^\n]+?)<", html, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE)
- html_tag = lambda tag, html: re.search(r"<%s\b[^>]*>(.*?)</%s>"%(tag,tag), html, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE)
- html_attr = lambda attr,html: re.search("""%s="?([^'" >]+)"""%(attr), html, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE)
- html_findall_content = lambda tag,html: re.findall(r"<%s\b[^>]*>(.*?)</%s>"%(tag,tag), html, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE)
- html_findall = lambda tag,html: re.findall(r"<%s\b[^>]*>.*?</%s>"%(tag,tag), html, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE)
- import UserDict
- class Rec(UserDict.DictMixin):
- "Dict like class allowing a.x instead of a['x']"
- def __init__(self, dict=None, **kwargs):
- self.__dict__ = {}
- if dict is not None:
- self.update(dict)
- if len(kwargs):
- self.update(kwargs)
- def __setitem__(self, name, value): setattr(self, name, value)
- def __getitem__(self, name): return getattr(self,name,None)
- def __getattr__(self,key): return None
- def has_key(self,key): return True if self.__dict__.has_key(key) else False
- def keys(self): return list(self.__dict__)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- #print "** Starting..."
- sys.exit(main(sys.argv))