Enigma2 plugin to dowload and create channels picons files form lyngsat.com

deploy.bat 379B

  1. @echo off
  2. set dm=dm800se
  3. if (dm800se)==(%1%) (
  4. set TARGET=v:\usr\lib\enigma2\python\Plugins\Extensions\GetPicons\
  5. ) else if (dm500hd)==(%1%) (
  6. set TARGET=u:\usr\lib\enigma2\python\Plugins\Extensions\GetPicons\
  7. ) else (
  8. echo Not valid dreambox name
  9. pause
  10. GOTO:EOF
  11. )
  12. for %%f in (
  13. readme.txt
  14. __init__.py
  15. plugin.py
  16. get_picons.py
  17. ) do echo f | xcopy /y %%f %TARGET%%%f
  18. pause